Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trade Unions – A Relic

The Legacy

A long time ago trade unions contributed to better working conditions and, in the past, many members of trade unions have suffered violence and death. However, since then trade unions have long outlived their purpose in the Western world. But even during the early days of industrialization, there were business owners who recognized that it is better for their business and their employees when employees receive decent pay and enjoy decent working conditions.

The Aberration

Trade unions for decades are not much more than a legalized extortion racket and a powerful special interest group trying to forcefully obtain privileges and perks for their members to the disadvantage of others and have others pay for it. Many businesses have been ruined by trade unions. Many businesses were not even established to avoid trade unions.

Trade union history especially in the US is littered with corruption, other criminal acts, and infiltration by organized crime. Trade unions have intimidated and beaten up workers who disagreed.

Trade unions seek and receive protection from legislatures and government at all levels. Governments on different levels protect and subsidize trade unions in many forms in exchange for votes. Trade unions in collaboration with companies in certain industries fight vigorously against free trade to the detriment of domestic consumers and workers and their families in other countries.

Just look at some of the ridiculous work rules or dismissal rules negotiated by trade unions. Some work rules are so rigid and narrowly defined that they are simply insane.

The Solution

Trade unions should be stripped of all and any special privileges they enjoy under existing laws. Trade unions should be required like any other association to operate under the principles of freedom of association and voluntary membership etc. in accordance with the constitution and individual freedom. No employer should be required to negotiate with any trade union unless he voluntarily and without coercion chooses to do so.

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