Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A CIA Contractor In Pakistan

A Former Green Beret In Action

Hope, Mr. Raymond Davis will one day publish a book about his adventure in Pakistan. It was reported that the 36 year-old former Green Beret, who shot two armed Pakistani in self defense, was finally released by a Pakistani court in mid March 2011 after a compensation of about $2.4 million was paid to the surviving relatives.

The Official Version Of The Story

The official US version of the story goes like this: “The two men approached Mr. Davis's car at a busy intersection in Lahore and wielded guns. Mr. Davis shot them dead from inside the car and later took photographs before fleeing the scene. Police arrested him in his car moments later. A second car from the U.S. consulate in Lahore knocked over and killed a bystander as it tried to rescue Mr. Davis.”

To be sure, Mr. Davis acted fast from behind car windows and took even pictures as he fled. Quite remarkable. This was better than a Hollywood movie.

The Practice Of Blood Money

There are a number of fascinating aspects about this story such as: The lust of Pakistani mob to hang this American. What was this contractor doing in Pakistan? What kind of diplomatic immunity was he enjoying? Apparently, the Pakistani legal system allows for “blood money” to be paid to victim’s relatives if charges against a murderer are dropped. There was even a second car from the US Consulate involved.

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