Friday, June 22, 2012

The Flawed Ideology Of Sustainable Development

Karl Marx Lives On

Karl Marx wrote “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” in 1875.

In November 1987, the United Nations adopted resolution 42/187 titled “Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development” stating “… Believing that sustainable development, which implies meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, should become a central guiding principle of the United Nations, Governments and private institutions, organizations and enterprises …”. This definition was also stated in the so called Brundlandt Report of the same year.

I think the similarity between these two statements is striking. Both express a desire unfulfillable without a totalitarian, big government. Both are clearly utopian and reek of paternalism. Both are based on unsustainable and wrong premises. Both are born out of hubris or the pretense of knowledge (see Friedrich Hayek).

What A Misguided Principle

To pretend to know the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is preposterous and wrought with controversy.

To meet the needs of the present generations without compromising those of future generations is an extreme or radical command as typically uttered by fanatics.

Maurice Strong Behind Sustainable Development

A man with a colorful biography. A former businessman with a collectivist or socialist mindset. A long time mastermind of international environmental politics. He was also a member of the so called Brundtland Commission (formally known as UN World Commission on Environment and Development). As an advisor to the UN Secretary General and Special UN Envoy to North Korea (of all places), he is implicated in the infamous UN Oil For Food scandal as having personally received a check of $1 million from a North Korean lobbyist issued by a Jordanian Bank, but the money came from Saddam Hussein. Here is a link to an interview conducted in 2008 with this gentleman by the Wall Street Journal:

A few selected quotes taken from two public speeches, i.e. his opening statement (6/3/1992) and closing statement (6/14/1992) to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, to highlight his warped thinking (emphasis added):
·         “… The wasteful and destructive lifestyles of the rich cannot be maintained at the cost of the lives and livelihoods of the poor, and of nature. …”
·         “…and an economic system that takes no account of ecological costs or damage - one which views unfettered growth as progress. We have been the most successful species ever; we are now a species out of control. …”
·         “Agenda 21 measures for eradication of poverty and the economic enfranchisement of the poor provide the basis for a new world-wide war on poverty. Indeed, I urge you to adopt the eradication of poverty as a priority objective for the world community as we move into the 21st century.”(I have written a separate blog about this nonsense of eradication of poverty or war on poverty)
·         “We reinstate in our lives the ethic of love and respect for the Earth which traditional peoples have retained as central to their value systems. This must be accompanied by a revitalization of the values common to all of our principal religious and philosophical traditions.”
·         “The New World Order, Mr. President, must unite us all in a global partnership which, of course, has to respect national sovereignty as a basic tenet, but must also recognize the transcending sovereignty of nature, of our only one Earth.”
·         We must bring our species under control, for our own survival, for that of all life on our precious planet.”

How did a lunatic or fanatic like this become such an influential player for decades at the UN?

Just An Extension Of The Club Of Rome

I suspect that the flawed ideology of sustainable growth is just a successor or extension of the work of the Club of Rome.

In the early 1970s, the Club of Rome published its seminal study titled “Limits to Growth”. This study has been thoroughly discredited. Its underlying computer model projections into the distant future were deterministic, mechanistic and based on obviously simplistic assumptions. In fact, the assumptions were deliberately chosen to produce the desired doomsday effect, i.e. exponential growth vs. linear resources development, which by sheer virtue of its assumptions are unsustainable. Thus, it has been a nice fallacy (petitio principii or begging the question?) to fool people. Human ingenuity and the power of free markets to deal with almost any major issues were omitted. This study is also one of the origins of the peak oil hoax. This study is not much more than scientifically dressed up doomsday speculation.

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