Friday, May 24, 2024

Teens’ latest social media trend? Self-diagnosing their mental health issues on their smarphones

How healthy is that? As with most subjects, there are positive and negative things to consider here. There is probably no easy solution.

How much of this turns out to be a fad or a mania we will find out as time goes on.

As a minimum, it probably requires to help young people to find reliable and accurate information and warn them about and help them to identify charlatans etc.

Caveat: I was not able to quickly find this poll on the Education Week Research Center website

"Teenagers are increasingly using social media to self-diagnose their mental health issues, alarming parents and advocates who say actual care should be easier to access.  

A poll by EdWeek Research Center released this week found 55 percent of students use social media to self-diagnose, and 65 percent of teachers say they’ve seen the phenomenon in their classrooms. ...
The trend is affecting not only how students view themselves, but also how they view others.  ..."

Teens’ latest social media trend? Self-diagnosing their mental health issues

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