Saturday, May 25, 2024

President Calvin Coolidge: The United Nation (He gave two speeches on Memorial Day 5/24/1924)

In my opinion, the American Civil War was totally unnecessary and preventable! Most likely it was one of the earliest major events in American history that ushered in the age of big government. The war was not about ending slavery, but preventing a perfectly legal secession. The American Civil War was also contrary to the belief of the Founding Fathers and Mothers in a gradual and eventual elimination of slavery. From this perspective, e.g. Abraham Lincoln was no great president!

"What’s the meaning of Memorial Day?

Back in Calvin Coolidge’s era, the holiday remained close to its origins: honoring the soldiers who died in the Civil War. Soldiers on both sides.

That’s why, a hundred years ago, President Coolidge delivered not one but two Memorial Day speeches…

one at Arlington National Cemetery’s Confederate Memorial and the other at the Arlington Memorial Amphitheater. ...

Coolidge acknowledges the issues that divided North and South but emphasizes that both sides have much in common.  

And Coolidge calls on us to rededicate ourselves to union and peace. America’s flag, he says, floats over all of us, no matter our differences. America has emerged from conflict as a “united nation.”

Coolidge offers another bracing reminder:
“American citizenship is a high estate. He who holds it is the peer of kings.”"

The United Nation

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