Friday, May 24, 2024

Copper mining needs for green transition to electric vehicles impossible to meet by 2035

Good point! Just the extra mining required to build so many electric vehicles, batteries etc. sure would also increase CO2 emissions!

"A report by the International Energy Forum found that manufacturing 100% electric vehicles by 2035 would require 55% more new mines than would have to open otherwise.

To meet “business-as-usual,” needs between 2018 and 2050 will require 115% more copper than has ever been mined in human history. This does not include what is necessary for electric vehicle construction and the increase in transmission capabilities needed to accommodate charging demands. Net zero by 2050 is even more implausible. ..."

"... Just to meet business-as-usual trends, without full EV adoption, the world must mine more copper in the next 30 years than it has in all of history until now, the report states. Electrifying the global vehicle fleet would necessitate the opening of another 55 percent more new mines than are already expected to be needed. ..."

Copper needs for green transition “impossible” to meet

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