Saturday, May 25, 2024

Animal DNA suggests That the Scandinavian Arctic Was Warmer in 7,000 BC Than at Present

There were a number of very warm periods on earth long before the Industrial Revolution! Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Chane is a religion!

From the abstract:
"Paleo-archives are essential for our understanding of species responses to climate warming, yet such archives are extremely rare in the Arctic. Here, we combine morphological analyses and bulk-bone metabarcoding to investigate a unique chronology of bone deposits sealed in the high-latitude Storsteinhola cave system (68°50′ N 16°22′ E) in Norway. This deposit dates to a period of climate warming from the end of the Late Glacial [~13 thousand calibrated years before the present (ka cal B.P.)] to the Holocene thermal maximum (~5.6 ka cal B.P.). Paleogenetic analyses allow us to exploit the 1000s of morphologically unidentifiable bone fragments resulting in a high-resolution sequence with 40 different taxa, including species not previously found here. Our record reveals borealization in both the marine and terrestrial environments above the Arctic Circle as a naturally recurring phenomenon in past periods of warming, providing fundamental insights into the ecosystem-wide responses that are ongoing today."

"... Past periods with rapid climate change can be an analog for current and future change [see, e.g., (8–10)] and paleo-archives from such periods often provide the only opportunity to observe species and community turnover following previous dramatic climatic and environmental transitions ...
Fennoscandia experienced extreme climatic and environmental alterations following the retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the Late Glacial period [~14.6–11.7 thousand years (ka) ago] well into the Early Holocene (11.7–8.2 ka). This glacial retreat was followed by a prolonged period of warming known as the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM; ~7.5–5.5 ka), with local temperatures being warmer than today (17–19), ..."

How the Media Uses Misdirection to Mislead About Climate Change

Fig. 1. The Nygrotta entrance of the Storsteinhola cave system.

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