Saturday, December 10, 2022

The impact of user research at Semantic Scholar

Update 12/11/2022: I forgot to add: SS also has serious shortcomings. One of them is extensive quality issues with their publication data as far as AI and machine learning, computer vision, computational linguistics are concerned. Lot's of duplicate entries (e.g. messing up citation count), wrong authors, mutilated titles and so on.


Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, and until recently Microsoft Academic, have been great projects to digest the wealth of human scientific knowledge for everyone!

Disclosure: I am a heavy, daily user of Semantic Scholar. I have also in the recent past tried to provide frequent user feedback to SS staff, but the contact broke up.

The impact of user research at Semantic Scholar | AI2 Blog User research is the foundation of product development at Semantic Scholar, and has helped us gain a deep understanding of our scholars, how they interact with scientific literature, and their relationships within the community.

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