Saturday, December 10, 2022

MIT: A healthy wind from 70,000 wind turbines installed in America. Really!

I did not think the MIT could go this low with such propaganda and demagoguery! Incredible! Preposterous! 

The wind power scam is one of the worst perpetrated by Western governments! Wind mills were abandoned by our foreparents generations ago, because it is unreliable etc. E.g. one always needs reliable backup generator power!

This is also a good example not to trust science just because there is a study published in a prestigious scientific journal! This appears to be clearly a politically motivated study!

The outgoing, controversial President of MIT L. Rafael Reif is to be blamed for this!

Trying to sell a totally unreliable (intermittency & variability) and environmentally unfriendly source of energy that is also a mass killer of birds/bats/insects as beneficial to your health!

What is actually the impact of these 70,000 installed wind turbines in the U.S. in huge wind mill farms on local/regional  weather and climate? How much land or water surface are we willing to sacrifice for this?

How much of the generated power is actually fed into the grid? Officially, wind power in America generates 9.3% or 380b kWh of all generated electricity in 2021. We know for a long time that wind power capacity is a totally misleading metric. I suspect wind power generation is flawed as well! 

According to the article: "The team then used a sophisticated atmospheric chemistry model to simulate the wind patterns and chemical transport of emissions across the country ..."
Has anybody vetted this so sophisticated model?

From the abstract:
"... A total of 29% and 32% of these health benefits accrued to racial/ethnic minority and low-income populations respectively ..."

A healthy wind | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Health benefits of using wind energy instead of fossil fuels could quadruple if the most polluting power plants are selected for dialing down, new study finds.

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