Sunday, September 12, 2021

Elite Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health

Several dozen journals of medicine (some of them very prestigious like BMJ and The Lancet) have simultaneously published this "call for emergency action"! Here is a list of these journals!

This mostly pure propaganda and demagoguery! It is absurd!

As if the medieval ages returned! The people behind this "call for emergency action" are infected by a serious and very hard to treat virus called superstition and it has massively infected the elite!

Socialists and totalitarians of all countries unite is what these elitists are demanding!

"The UN General Assembly in September, 2021, will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis... 
The greatest threat to global public health is the continued failure of world leaders to keep the global temperature rise below 1·5°C and to restore nature. Urgent, society-wide changes must be made and will lead to a fairer and healthier world. ..."

Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health - The Lancet

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