Sunday, September 12, 2021

China prepares to test thorium-fuelled nuclear reactor

While the West has rather shutdown nuclear power plants (e.g. in Germany) and pushes unreliable, environmentally dubious solar power and wind energy, China builds hundreds of coal power plants and has invested in thorium as fuel for nuclear fission!

"Scientists are excited about an experimental nuclear reactor using thorium as fuel, which is about to begin tests in China. Although this radioactive element has been trialled in reactors before, experts say that China is the first to have a shot at commercializing the technology. ...
The reactor is unusual in that it has molten salts circulating inside it instead of water. It has the potential to produce nuclear energy that is relatively safe and cheap, while also generating a much smaller amount of very long-lived radioactive waste than conventional reactors.
Construction of the experimental thorium reactor in Wuwei, on the outskirts of the Gobi Desert, was due to be completed by the end of Augustwith trial runs scheduled for this month, according to the government of Gansu province. ..."

China prepares to test thorium-fuelled nuclear reactor If China’s experimental reactor is a success it could lead to commercialization and help the nation meet its climate goals.

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