Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Texas Acts to Block Chinese-Owned Wind Power Facility Near Military Base

Very clever by the Communist Party of China!

"The Texas legislature took steps to stop a massive Chinese-owned industrial wind facility from being built near Laughlin Air Force base in southwest Texas.

The Blue Hills Wind development attracted attention because its developer, GH America Energy, is the U.S. subsidiary of the Chinese Guanghui Energy Company which is owned by Sun Guangxin, a Chinese billionaire who reportedly has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

As planned, the industrial wind facility will be sited on 140,000 acres of land approximately 70 miles from Laughlin Air Force Base, raising concerns the CCP will be able to spy on or interfere in U.S. flight training and operations. ..."

Texas Acts to Block Chinese-Owned Wind Power Facility Near Military Base

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