Friday, August 06, 2021

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo accuser speaks out: He was 'arrogant,' he didn't care, in front of my husband, kids

Update of 8/10/2021: I bet that Cuomo had to resign to prevent more serious charges against this governor would be pursued! Greg Kelly demonstrated now for a second time within a week that Andrew Cuomo was cancelled for some reason and the less than convincing sexual misconduct allegations were a ploy. Watch Greg Kelly: It was the culture that took down Cuomo. Or watch Tucker Carlson's take If you don't think this is a conspiracy then you don’t know New York, perhaps Cuomo had outlived his usefulness to the Dimocratic Party.

Update of 8/8/2021: This lastest, very short testimonial is probably insufficient as well. Cuomo accuser speaks publicly for the first time 

I am afraid this testimony is not good enough to accuse governor Cuomo of sexual misconduct etc. If this accuser has not suffered more than several kisses on her cheek and some hand holding in public with lots of witnesses around then this is a joke! The other witness incident presented yesterday was also not very convincing! That leaves us with 9 other witnesses.

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