Friday, August 06, 2021

Improving industrial filtration with graphene oxide filters


Reducing green house gases does not require government to impose that electric cars have to replace gasoline powered cars!

"... many industries continue to use energy-intensive thermal methods of separating out liquids. In some cases, that’s because it’s difficult to make a filtration system for chemical separation, which requires pores small enough to separate atoms. ...
This is valuable because separation processes account for about 22 percent of all in-plant energy use in the United States ...
The paper industry is particularly exciting because separation processes just in that industry account for more than 2 percent of U.S. energy consumption ...
Made of graphene oxide ..., the membrane can reduce the amount of energy used in industrial separations by 90 percent ...
Via Separations began piloting its technology this year at a U.S. paper company and expects to deploy a full commercial system there in the spring of 2022 ...
“The advantage of graphene oxide is that it’s very robust,” ... “It’s got carbon double bonds that hold together in a lot of environments, including at different pH levels and temperatures that are typically unfriendly to materials.” ...
Graphene oxide is significantly more durable, and ... can customize the pores in the material to suit each industry’s application. ... “modulating pore size while retaining robustness to operate in challenging environments.” ..."

Cleaning up industrial filtration | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT spinoff Via Separations aims for industrial decarbonization with its durable graphene oxide membranes.

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