Wednesday, August 04, 2021

4th Police Officer Who Was at Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Dies by Suicide

This seems to be an unusual development! What is behind these suicides?

Apparently, this police officer was not part of the U.S. Capitol police. He was only present at the the January 6th protests. How many police officers do commit suicide during their careers?

"A fourth police officer who was present at the grounds of the Capitol building when it was breached on Jan. 6 has died by suicide, according to the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (MPD).

Metropolitan Police Officer Kyle DeFreytag, 26, was found dead on July 10 from suicide, an MPD spokeswoman told The Epoch Times via email.

DeFreytag was assigned to the Fifth District and had been with the police department since November 2016. ..."

4th Police Officer Who Was at Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Dies by Suicide (behind paywall)

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