Saturday, May 22, 2021

Notes on laser hair removal

Very recently, I treated myself to a consultation and one free complimentary treatment in a branch of a large, nationwide laser hair removal chain. This chain is specialized in doing nothing else but laser hair removal. They have medical professionals on staff to apply the laser treatment.

I have always hated to grow a beard of any kind my whole life! I confess, I totally dislike shaving my face! It is an unnecessary chore almost every day of my entire adult life! I wish affordable cosmetic laser treatments were available several decades ago!

Unfortunately, the business model behind the laser hair removal business still appears to be very much driven by greed and conspicuous overpricing for at least the past 10 years or longer! Presumably, a new Candela GentlePro device costs roughly $95,000 (I suspect with volume discounts it is significantly cheaper). If this chain e.g. charges about $3,000 for a treatment package regarding a minor body area (e.g. male face or armpit; this chain appears to vary the price by body area) hair removal, then only 30 customers would already pay for one laser device that can very possibly be used for several years. I admit, I do not know much about the maintenance or repair costs or expected lifetime of such a device.

When will finally affordable mass consumption come to this service business? What a missed business opportunity! Let's get rid of unwanted hairs! I bet there is enormous demand for it!

I also suspect that there are government regulations etc. and the medical profession lobby unnecessarily standing in the way to mass market this service! Perhaps, excessive government paternalism to protect people from laser treatments? Laser hair removal is a very simple and save procedure! Anyone can do it! It is probably also much more effective and with more permanent results than most other treatments available! We need more competition in this business!

P.S. However, I can report that this one laser treatment lasting less than 10 minutes appears to be very effective regarding the spots where it was applied. Thus, I do believe now that the recommended 7-10 treatment sessions may suffice to eliminate 95% or more hairs for good of the targeted body area. The pain suffered during treatment was more than I anticipated. As they say, no pain no gain! 

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