Monday, May 31, 2021

Thousands of Trump supporters gather in Florida for Memorial Day boat parade

Amazing! Incredible! President Trump could have trumped President Reagan with a 2nd term!

Oklahoma to rename state highway after Trump

Good news! Other states are following! President Trump could have trumped President Reagan in a 2nd term!

Straftäter statt Aktivisten: Das fehlende Unrechtsbewusstsein von Greenpeace & Co.

Empfehlenswert! Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel! Wenn mittelalterlicher Aberglaube in der Bananenrepublik Urständ feiert im 21sten Jahrhundert!

"... Mit wahnsinnigem finanziellen und ideologischen Aufwand ist es einer billionenschweren Industrie gelungen, die Hauptschuld dem Menschen zuzuschieben und dieses Narrativ zu verankern. Unzählige sektenhaft auftretende Organisationen haben unsere Spezies mit Erfolg zum größten Feind der Umwelt erklärt. Nahezu die gesamte Politik weltweit haben sie über die Besetzung aller wichtigen Schaltstellen, zu denen nicht zuletzt die Medien gehören, in Geiselhaft genommen. Wer das hohe Lied vom menschengemachten Klimawandel nicht inbrünstig mitsingt, ist weg vom Fenster. Dafür sorgen sogenannte Nichtregierungsorganisationen, deren Ziel darin besteht, ihre Klimareligion allen anderen aufzuzwingen. ...
Der VW-Konzern ist das jüngste Opfer krimineller NGO-Aktivitäten. Ihm wurden vom firmeneigenen Verladegelände in Emden die Autoschlüssel aller dort abgestellten Fahrzeuge geklaut. Die geschätzt bis zu 1.200 Schlüssel fanden danach auf der Zugspitze ein neues Zuhause. Die Garmischer Polizei wertet das Treiben von ungefähr zehn Greenpeace-Tätern als unerlaubte Versammlung, die gegen die geltenden Corona-Regeln verstoßen habe. In Emden wird wegen Hausfriedensbruchs und schweren Diebstahls ermittelt. VW will allerdings auf eine Strafanzeige verzichten und somit offenbar auch auf die Beitreibung der entstandenen Kosten. ..."

Straftäter statt Aktivisten: Das fehlende Unrechtsbewusstsein von Greenpeace & Co. – Liberale Warte

Chemical reactions get put to a quantum test

Amazing (ultra cool) stuff!

"... By cooling molecules of potassium and rubidium down to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, they reduced the number of possible reaction outcomes to just 57. They then probed all these outcomes down to the level of individual quantum states, paving the way for a better understanding of chemistry. ...
“For many physical chemists it’s been a long-term dream to be able to follow a chemical reaction from start to finish at the quantum state resolved level,”  ..."

"... Reactions that occur at ultra low temperatures provide an ideal testing ground for quantum chemistry and scattering theories, because they can be experimentally studied with unprecedented control, yet display dynamics that are highly complex. Here we report the full product state distribution for the reaction 2KRb → K2 + Rb2. Ultracold preparation of the reactants allows us complete control over their initial quantum degrees of freedom, whereas state-resolved, coincident detection of both products enables the probability of scattering into each of the 57 allowed rotational state-pairs to be measured. Our results show an overall agreement with a state-counting model based on statistical theory4,5,6, but also reveal several deviating state-pairs. ..."

Chemistry gets put to a quantum test – Physics World

Here is the link to the underlying research article:
Precision test of statistical dynamics with state-to-state ultracold chemistry (no public access, but the above Physics World article provides access to the PDF)

Transgender woman weightlifter Laurel Hubbard in Olympics is 'like a bad joke' to biological female athletes

Perhaps high time for transgender athletes to have their own sports events and games! Transgender competes with transgender! How about that?

Transgender woman weightlifter Laurel Hubbard in Olympics is 'like a bad joke' to biological female athletes, competitor complains - TheBlaze: Transgender woman weightlifter Laurel Hubbard competing in the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Games is "like a bad joke" to biological female athletes, a rival weightlifter told Inside the Games. What are the details? "First off, I would like to stress that I fully support the transgender community, an...

Für die Regierenden beginnt der Kampf um die Corona-Geschichtsschreibung

Sehr empfehlenswert! Ein beißender Kommentar zur Bananenrepublik Deutschland! Die Pandemie hat deutlich vorgeführt, das die creme de la creme der deutschen Politiker eher mit Gartenzwergen vergleichbar sind!

Wen wählen in der Bundestagswahl am 26. September? 

"... Es ist eine Chronik des Versagens. Trotz eines besonders harten „November-Lockdown“ sind die deutschen Corona-Zahlen im internationalen Vergleich relativ hoch, beim Impfen hat man geschlafen, genauso wie beim Testen. Die „Bundesnotbremse“ war dann der Höhepunkt einer Politik, deren eigentlicher Zweck das Kaschieren früherer Fehler zu sein scheint: Sinnlos und planlos – aber das in drastischer Weise. 

Dass es ganz anders hätte gehen können, zeigen nicht nur etliche US-Bundesstaaten und Schweden, sondern zuletzt auch etwa die Schweiz. Trotz deutlich weniger Beschränkungen, starben nicht substanziell mehr Menschen an oder mit Corona. ...
Die Bundesregierung hat nicht auf unabhängige Wissenschaftler gehört, sondern solche herbeizitiert, die ihre Linie rechtfertigten. Es ist längst wissenschaftlich belegt, dass Ansteckungen im Außenbereich keine Rolle spielen, dennoch verhängte man die Ausgangssperre. Ansteckungen im Einzelhandel und in Restaurants spielen fast keine Rolle, dennoch schließt man sie seit über einem halben Jahr und will den Eintritt jetzt nur mit Test oder Impfung wieder erlauben. Und schließlich ist seit langem bekannt, dass Schulen ebenfalls kein Treiber der Pandemie sind. Dennoch schränkte man den Unterricht monatelang stark ein. ...
Da wo man hingegen wirklich substanziell etwas hätte bewirken können, tat man lange Zeit kaum etwas: Die Altersheime begann man im Dezember letzten Jahres (!) effektiv mit Schnelltests zu schützen, obwohl längst erwiesen ist, dass je nach Bundesland bis zu 90 Prozent der Corona-Toten Heimbewohner sind. Schließlich ließ man auch die Krankenhäuser im Stich, verpasste Chancen zur Stärkung der Pflege – stattdessen schaute man zu während sogar noch weiter Kapazitäten abgebaut wurden. ..."

Tichys Einblick Newsletter

Wuhan: Wie China die Welt täuschte - und die Welt es nicht wissen wollte

Empfehlenswert! Der sog. Westen steht sehr dumm dar! Der Westen wurde lange von der chinesischen kommunistischen Diktatur an der Nase herumgeführt!

Ein eventueller Lichtblick in naher Zukunf: Der selbst erkorene Diktator auf Lebenszeit, Xi Jinping, wird dieses Disaster möglicherweise politisch nicht überleben. 

Wuhan: Wie China die Welt täuschte - und die Welt es nicht wissen wollte Lange galt die Laborhypothese als Verschwörungstheorie. Wer wie TE sachlich über das Thesenpapier von Wiesendanger berichtete, wurde diffamiert. Doch nachdem nicht mehr nur Donald Trump der Sache nachgehen will, sondern auch der neue US-Präsident Joe Biden, kippt die Stimmung.

How The Anglo-Saxon Settlement Changed British Culture

Very recommendable! The Anglo Saxon invasion myth!

Three Killings in Kampala, Uganda - BBC Africa Eye documentary

Impressive, very commendable forensic journalism. I could not watch this video to the end. I am afraid, BBC has overdone it here showing the killing or killed citizens in the streets of Kampala over and over again. I am not sure this was necessary for the story! Caution: This is an extremely violent and bloody video!

"In November last year, more than 50 people were shot and killed during a government crackdown on the streets of Uganda’s capital, Kampala. Officials defended the use of live fire, saying the police were responding to rioters. But a new investigation by BBC Africa Eye documents a killing spree on Kampala Road, and shows damning evidence that Ugandan security forces, firing from the back of a police truck, shot at least seven unarmed people. "

What's Holding the Arab World Back?

Very recommendable! To Israel it is a petty, to the Arab countries it is a calamity!

Why Isn't There a Palestinian State?

Very recommendable!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Beatles - Rooftop Concert (1969)

Enjoy! Great concert! Watch how ordinary people approach the rooftop concert! 
Streets filling up with every day people. Bobbies directing traffic jams! Some short interviews with individuals on the street! More and more bobbies arriving on the scene ...

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem rips Joe Biden in CPAC 2021 speech

Watch Kristi Noem! She does not mince words! She might be the next presidential candidate of the Republican Party! South Dakota, one of the few states that did not succumb or resort to draconian government overreaction! Au contraire! Bravo Governor Noem!

Kim Kardashian Is Right: Lawyers Shouldn't Have to Attend Law School

Very recommendable!
I probably would rarely ever write something about a beauty celebrity like Kim Kardashian! More unusual, California is a dream to become a lawyer, because you are not required to attend law school to become one!

"You don’t need to go to law school to become a good lawyer. Lots of famous lawyers in history never went to law school. That includes Abraham Lincoln, who was a highly-successful lawyer for the Illinois Central Railroad. It also includes other presidents like John Quincy Adams, who skillfully handled a famous Supreme Court case, and Andrew Jackson, who served as a prosecutor. Yet today, most states require people to attend law school before they can take the bar exam and become a lawyer. ...
Kim Kardashian has expressed a desire to become a lawyer without going to law school, by apprenticing for a law firm. She is in California, one of a few states in which the old method of becoming a lawyer—working as an apprentice, rather than going to law school—is still available. ...
law school is an exorbitant racket that condemns countless students to years, even decades, of crushing student debt. Many young lawyers fear they can only pay off this debt by entering big law, then wind up spending years in a corporate practice ..."

Kim Kardashian Is Absolutely Right about Law School - Foundation for Economic Education Requiring people to attend law school before being allowed to practice law is unnecessary and wasteful.

Neutrinos were caught interacting at the Large Hadron Collider

Amazing stuff! However, it seems this is very early, preliminary research! Presumably, this short 7 page research paper was published with the intent to whet the appetite for the upcoming experiments at LHC.

Following is the entire Conclusions And Outlook chapter of the arxiv preprint article:
"A search for neutrino interactions is presented based on a small emulsion detector installed at the LHC in 2018. We observe the first candidate vertices consistent
with neutrino interactions at the LHC. A 2.7σ excess of neutrino-like signal above muon-induced backgrounds is measured. These results demonstrate FASERν’s ability to detect neutrinos at the LHC and pave the way for future collider neutrino experiments. We are currently preparing for data taking in LHC Run-3. With a deeper detector and lepton identification capability, FASERν will perform better than the pilot run detector. In addition, the FASER spectrometer will measure the muon flux, reducing uncertainties on background estimates. In the 2022–2024 run, we expect to collect ∼10,000 flavor-tagged charged-current neutrino interactions."

Neutrinos were caught interacting at the Large Hadron Collider | Science News

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

Engineered CAR-T Immune Cells Eliminate glioblastoma brain Cancer in Mice

Good news! Seems to be some very promising research results! There were actually several recent articles covering this subject! Some of the latest research is actually mutually reinforcing each other. Cancer is history!

"... In a pair of recently published studies in Science Translational Medicine,1,2 scientists showed that CAR T-cells are more effective when their killing activity is tied to two receptors: one that recognizes the tumor and another that recognizes a different aspect of either the tumor or the environment. These double-trouble CAR T cells have more precision and stamina, making them effective against many tumors that have not been successfully treated with CAR T cells before. ..."

"Two major hurdles in chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy for solid tumors are ensuring specificity to tumor cells without affecting healthy cells and avoiding tumor escape due to antigen loss. To address these challenges, Hyrenius-Wittsten et al. and Choe et al. developed synthetic notch (synNotch)–CAR T cells targeting solid tumor antigens and used them to treat mouse models of mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, and glioblastoma. In both studies, the authors demonstrated that synNotch-CAR T cells were better at controlling tumors than traditional CAR T cells and did not result in toxicity or damage to healthy tissue. ..."

"... Using CAR T cells isn’t a new approach, ... [researchers] took the method to the next level. They used a highly specific molecular approach—a human retained affinity screen—to make a single chain antibody and reconfigure it as a CAR. The resulting CAR, called GCT02, was long-lived and had a very high affinity for the epidermal growth factor receptor mutant variant III (EGFRvIII) found on brain tumor cells. ...
One challenge ... is that not all tumors express EGFRvIII. This means that some of the tumor cells could be left behind to grow after treatment.
... “We absolutely need to use combination therapies and be targeting multiple proteins, multiple tumor antigens at once. The heterogeneous nature of tumors like glioblastoma make them incredibly difficult to treat.” ..."

"... We use the human Retained Display (ReD) antibody platform (Myrio Therapeutics) to identify a novel single-chain variable fragment (scFv) that recognises epidermal growth factor receptor mutant variant III (EGFRvIII), a common and tumor-specific mutation found in glioblastoma ...
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an endogenous, growth-promoting cell surface protein and has been shown to be highly expressed in glioblastoma. EGFRvIII is the most common EGFR mutation in primary glioblastoma present in approximately 30% of newly diagnosed patients. ... exposes a therapeutically targetable binding region. Importantly, although the expression of EGFRvIII is highly heterogeneous and dynamic even within a tumor, its expression is restricted to malignant tissue. ..."

Engineered Immune Cells Eliminate Brain Cancer in Mice | The Scientist Magazine® Researchers developed a new CAR T-cell therapy that targets specific growth factor receptors in glioblastoma to eliminate brain tumors.

Environmental Cues Keep CAR T Cells on Track Pairing CARs with a synthetic receptor makes T cells more lethal tumor killers.

Here are the links to underlying research articles:

Learn more about East Turkistan


"East Turkistan, also known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, lies in the very heart of Asia. Situated along the fabled ancient Silk Road, it has been a prominent centertur of commerce for more than 2,000 years. The land of East Turkistan gave birth to many great civilizations and at various points in history has been a cradle of scholarship, culture and power. ..."

World Uyghur Congress | East Turkistan

Materials breakthrough enables twistronics for bulk systems

Good news! Will superconductivity finally be realized as a new major technology?

"... “A number of new physical phenomena — such as unconventional superconductivity — have been discovered recently by stacking individual layers of atomically-thin materials on top of each other at a twist angle, which results in the formation of what we call moiré superlattices,” ..."

"... Here, by using cathodoluminescence in a scanning transmission electron microscope, we show that the optical properties of stacked, >100 nm thick hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) films can be continuously tuned by their relative twist angles. Due to the formation of a moiré superlattice between the two interface layers of the twisted films, a new moiré sub-band gap is formed with continuously decreasing magnitude as a function of the twist angle, resulting in tunable luminescence wavelength and intensity increase of >40×. Our results demonstrate that moiré phenomena extend beyond monolayer-based systems and can be preserved in a technologically relevant, bulklike material at room temperature, dominating optical properties of hBN films for applications in medicine, environmental, or information technologies."

Materials breakthrough enables twistronics for bulk systems | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology SMART findings allow a new way to control light emitting from materials.

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

What Makes Biden and Yellen's "Global Minimum Tax" Push So Hypocritical

Recommendable! A little bit short and only uses Ireland as an example!

"Imagine if oil companies got together and agreed to charge consumers no less than $3.50 per gallon for gas. Let’s call it a “global minimum price.” How long—in minutes—do you think it would take for the news media to cry foul and for the Justice Department to file an antitrust suit? ..."

What Makes Biden and Yellen's "Global Minimum Tax" Push So Hypocritical - Foundation for Economic Education The 46th President of the U.S. and his Treasury Secretary Yellen the robber barons

Study reveals a universal travel pattern across four continents

MIT only reconfirms common wisdom that has been known by humans for thousands of years! When so called scientific research is puffed up in the ivory tower! 😄
The title of their research paper makes it sound so impressive! The authors claim they discovered a "universal law"! So pretentious!

" ... “We might shop every day at a bakery a few hundred meters away, but we’ll only go once a month to the fancy boutique miles away from our neighborhood.  ..."

"... Here we reveal a simple and robust scaling law that captures the temporal and spatial spectrum of population movement on the basis of large-scale mobility data from diverse cities around the globe. According to this law, the number of visitors to any location decreases as the inverse square of the product of their visiting frequency and travel distance. ..."

Study reveals a universal travel pattern across four continents | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Globally, people follow a “visitation law” — an inverse relationship between distance and frequency of visits.

Here is the link to the underlying research link:

Taiwan is a Great Country


"... The Chinese government wishes to annex the island of Taiwan to fulfill a tired old vision of the great imperial Chinese empire of centuries past. The CCP has used this rationale to justify its invasions of Tibet and East Turkestan, more commonly known as Xinjiang. Two once independent nation-states now living under the authoritarian horrors of the CCP.  ..."

Taiwan is a Great Country – AIER

Uruk: Origins and Legends of History's Earliest City

Yes, it is very unfortunate that so little has been uncovered about this unique archaeological site!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

'Creepy' Joe Biden is back

Creepy indeed!

Proteste in Oman: In der «Schweiz des Nahen Ostens» flammt der Volkszorn auf

Die Schweizer Zeitung Neue Zuericher Zeitung berichtet aus der Schweiz des Nahen Ostens!

"Das Sultanat Oman hat die Erschütterungen des Arabischen Frühlings vor zehn Jahren recht glimpflich überstanden. Während das Nachbarland Jemen in einem jahrelangen Bürgerkrieg versank, erlangte Omans Sultan Kabus bin Said als Vermittler bei den geheimen Atomgesprächen zwischen den USA und Iran internationales Ansehen. Als Saudiarabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate 2017 eine Wirtschaftsblockade gegen Katar verhängten, hielt sich Oman zurück. Wegen seiner neutralen und umsichtigen Aussenpolitik wurde das Sultanat oft die «Schweiz des Nahen Ostens» genannt. ..."

Oman: Wirtschaftskrise führt zu Protesten in Sultanat (behind paywall) Das Sultanat Oman gilt als ruhender Pol im friedlosen Orient. Doch tiefe Erdölpreise und die Corona-Pandemie setzen der Wirtschaft zu. In mehreren Städten kam es tagelang zu Demonstrationen – ein seltenes Phänomen in dem autoritären Land.

Lockheed Martin’s Woke-Industrial Complex

You have to pinch yourself! Is this really happening at one of the major defense contractors of the United States! Any person with a spine and common sense would have refused to participate in this ideological reeducation nonsense!

"Last year, Lockheed Martin Corporation, the nation’s largest defense contractor, sent white male executives to a three-day diversity-training program aimed at deconstructing their “white male culture” and encouraging them to atone for their “white male privilege,” according to documents I have obtained. ...
The Lockheed employees, all senior leaders in the company, included Aaron Huckaby, director of global supply chain operations; retired Air Force lieutenant colonel David Starr, director of the Hercules C-130 military transport program; retired Air Force lieutenant general Bruce Litchfield, vice president of sustainment operations; and Glenn Woods, vice president of production for the Air Force’s $1.7 trillion F-35 fighter jet program. ..."

Lockheed Martin’s Woke-Industrial Complex | City Journal Lockheed, the nation’s largest defense contractor, sends key executives on a mission to deconstruct their “white male privilege.”

Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells

Amazing stuff! Only discovered in 2019! Humans have been intensively researching and studying cells since about 1839!

"... It’s long been believed that only proteins and lipids receive these carbohydrate constructs, but a May 17 paper in Cell that builds upon a 2019 bioRxiv preprint posits that RNAs can be glycosylated, too, and these sugar-coated nucleic acids seem to localize to cell membranes. ...
All of this suggests glycoRNAs may play a role in immune signaling. ..."

"... RNA is not thought to be a major target of glycosylation. Here, we challenge this view with evidence that mammals use RNA as a third scaffold for glycosylation. Using a battery of chemical and biochemical approaches, we found that conserved small noncoding RNAs bear sialylated glycans. These “glycoRNAs” were present in multiple cell types and mammalian species, in cultured cells, and in vivo. GlycoRNA assembly depends on canonical N-glycan biosynthetic machinery and results in structures enriched in sialic acid and fucose. Analysis of living cells revealed that the majority of glycoRNAs were present on the cell surface and can interact with anti-dsRNA antibodies and members of the Siglec receptor family. Collectively, these findings suggest the existence of a direct interface between RNA biology and glycobiology, and an expanded role for RNA in extracellular biology. ... [This discovery was made possible] in the field of bioorthogonal chemistry, which aims to develop chemical methods for tracking biomolecules in their native environments. Her lab was brimming with reagents that label specific kinds of glycans without harming other molecules or setting off side-reactions.  ..."

Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study | The Scientist Magazine® Prior to a 2019 preprint, “glycoRNAs” weren’t known to exist. Now, the researchers who found them say they’re on lots of cells and may play a role in immune signaling.

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

Kamala Harris : Navy Will Fight "Very Real Threat" of Climate Change

Kamala Harris is much more stupid than I had ever imagined! Two idiots in the White House, this has all the trappings to probably become the worst presidency of all times!

‘Decrepit’ Joe Biden ‘sucking up’ to George Floyd family

Very recommendable! Alan Jones from Australia expressed it best what cognitively impaired 46th President did by inviting the family of a career criminal and drug addict to the White House! Not to mention that the survivors of this career criminal received $27 million as settlement before the trial of the police officer involved!

Nigel Farage: Democrats 'won't stay in power in America'

Nigel Farage, one of the greatest politicians of the early 21st century! Bravo Brexit!

America is burning! with Joe Pinion

Very recommendable! I like Joe Pinion better every time I watch his show! He sure is not mincing words!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Tucker Carlson: The left uses partisan politics posing as science

Very recommendable! I can from, my own experience, confirm most of what Tucker Carlson claimed about scientists who became demagogues!

Sen. Kennedy: Biden shows America can be 'bought like a sack of potatoes'

Great U.S. senator from Louisiana!

"Why Did You Dismiss The Lab-Leak Theory?": Rubio Grills Fauci On Past Statements Of COVID-19 Origin

Why President Trump did not fire or retire this 80 year old clown Anthony Fauci of Faucian Bargain fame is a mystery! It was a huge mistake!

Breitbart: The ultra high Biden Budget Deficits. Deficit Hawks to the rescue!

Recommendable! The insanity and unsoundness of the latest federal budget proposal by the cognitively impaired 46th president is inescapable!
Yes, where are today's deficit hawks? We urgently need them back!

"There was once a species of raptor in Washington, D.C., known as the Deficit Hawk. These sharp-eyed creatures were known for decrying the budget deficits even as they became perennial features of the federal government's budget. They insisted, often to the loud applause of the mainstream media, that spending more than a government collects in taxes is unsustainable and the path to ruin. Concern over the size of the deficit was one of the fuels that sustained the Tea Party and Capitol Hill Republicans in the Obama years. ...
The Deficit Hawks have largely gone extinct, although there are reports that a few still live in captivity in the U.S. Senate and the Center for a Responsible Budget. ...
But the presentation of President Biden's budget on Friday was a reminder that the Deficit Hawks filled an important niche in the ecology of the nation's capital. Biden's budget proposes to keep budget deficits above five percent of gross domestic product through 2026, two years after his term is scheduled to end. That would make Scranton's favorite son the first president never to preside over a budget deficit below five percent of GDP. Ronald Reagan had a single year, as did George Bush. Barack Obama had a few on the heels of the financial crisis. Trump had one, last year, as the country was hurled into crisis by the pandemic. Before that, you have to go all the way back to FDR to find years of consecutive deficits that high in relation to the size of the economy."

Breitbart Business Digest

Der natürliche, zyklische Klimawandel

Ein Buch das wahrscheinlich viel zu spät erscheint und von viel zu Wenigen gelesen werden wird!

Man muss nicht mal Jahrmillionen in betracht ziehen. Zyklische, natürliche Klimaschwankungen geschehen in unterschiedlich langen Zeiträumen bis runter zu Hunderten von Jahren oder sogar weniger! Z.B. die Sonne ist keine Konstante!

"Mit ihrem geozentrischen Weltbild, bei dem sich die Sonne und das Universum um die Erde drehen, stellten die Mächtigen und Einflussreichen des mittelalterlichen Europas den Mensch, bzw. die Erde in den Mittelpunkt des Universums. Ein modernes Pendant unserer Zeit ist der Irrglauben, dass der Mensch durch sein anthropogen erzeugtes CO2 den Klimawandel hervorruft bzw. kontrollieren kann.

In dem vorliegenden Buch werden die natürlichen Klimaschwankungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Temperatur der Erdatmosphäre sowie auf den Meeresspiegel der letzten Jahrmillionen beschrieben. Ebenso werden die Ursachen und Prozesse aus geologischer, archäologischer und astrophysikalischer Sicht erklärt und diskutiert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass überaus komplexe astrophysikalische Wirkmechanismen die Klimaschwankungen in periodisch wiederkehrenden lang- und kurzfristigen Zeitabständen hervorrufen, ohne dass der Mensch dies in irgendeiner Weise beeinflussen kann, auch nicht durch einen erhöhten oder reduzierten anthropogenen CO2-Eintrag. ..."

JF-Buchdienst | Der natürliche Klimawandel | Aktuelle Bücher zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissen und Geschichte

Lage der Palästinenser nach dem Gaza-Konflikt - Wut auf die eigenen Führer

Wäre sehr zu begrüssen, wenn endlich die Bewohner von Gaza und West Bank die Schmarotzer, Kriegsverbrecher, und Gangster unter ihnen rausschmeißen! Das wäre mal echter Fortschritt! Israel wäre bestimmt sofort bereit ordentlich Hilfe zu leisten nach dem Rauswurf!

Lage der Palästinenser nach dem Gaza-Konflikt - Wut auf die eigenen Führer | Cicero Online: Nach dem blutigen Gaza-Konflikt wächst der Frust: Die meisten Palästinenser vertrauen Fatah und Hamas nicht mehr, deren Führer im Namen des Widerstands gegen die israelische Besatzung großen persönlichen Reichtum angehäuft haben. Und die politischen Lager zerfallen.

Hundreds of computer-generated junk papers still lurk in the scientific literature

What if the papers are sensical as opposed to nonsensical? The specter of computer-generated or AI-generated scientific literature may increase. However, I think this problem can be fairly easily countered by going back to the authors.

"Nonsensical research papers generated by a computer program are still popping up in the scientific literature many years after the problem was first seen, a study has revealed. Some publishers have told Nature they will take down the papers, which could result in more than 200 retractions.

The issue began in 2005, when three PhD students created paper-generating software called SCIgen for “maximum amusement”, and to show that some conferences would accept meaningless papers. ..."

Hundreds of gibberish papers still lurk in the scientific literature The nonsensical computer-generated articles, spotted years after the problem was first seen, could lead to a wave of retractions.

Deutschland erkennt Kolonialverbrechen in Namibia als Völkermord

Schon wieder die Bananenrepublik Deutschland unter SED Kanzlerin Merkel! War das wirklich ein Völkermord???? Enorme und schwere  Kriegsverbrechen? Sehr wahrscheinlich! War der Gegner in Namibia ein unschuldiges Lamm?
So viel Einfältigkeit und Naivität ist blamabel! Der Deutscher Michel und seine vielen Gartenzwerge fuehren das Land!

Versucht Deutschland etwa den französischen Präsident Macron und Ruanda zu übertreffen?

"Das Deutsche Reich war von 1884 bis 1915 Kolonialmacht im heutigen Namibia und schlug Aufstände brutal nieder. Laut Historikern wurden etwa 65 000 von 80 000 Herero und mindestens 10 000 von 20 000 Nama getötet."

Deutschland erkennt Kolonialverbrechen in Namibia als Völkermord Berlin und Windhoek haben sich darauf verständigt, dass Deutschland Namibia durch ein Entwicklungsprogramm in Höhe von 1,1 Milliarden Euro unterstützt. Rechtliche Ansprüche auf Entschädigung ergäben sich daraus aber nicht, betont der deutsche Aussenminister. In Namibia sind manche mit der Einigung unzufrieden.

Global Health NOW: Record-Breaking Smoking numbers worldwide

You got to love the follies of the leftist Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health! Like all authoritarians! These fools believe in Big Government to fix perceived public concerns by ratcheting up government interventions leading to more government interventions!

"Smoking prevalence has fallen in the last 4 decades—but the number of smokers worldwide has increased to 1.1 billion, propelled by population growth, according to a new Lancet article. ...
Solutions: Increasing cigarette taxes is the most effective policy, but taxes are significantly lower in low- and middle-income countries compared to wealthy countries.
Advertising and promotion bans are also needed—but only 1 in 4 “countries have comprehensively banned all forms of direct and indirect advertising,” ..."
Global Health NOW: Record-Breaking Smoking numbers; Airport Pickups & Other Unfair Burdens; and Burr Crawl

UN human rights chief says Israeli strikes on Gaza may be war crimes

Says who, Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile and leading member of the Socialist Party of Chile! So pathetic!

UN rights chief says Israeli strikes on Gaza may be war crimes - Israel News - Michelle Bachelet says she had seen no evidence that civilian buildings in Gaza hit by Israeli strikes were being used by for military purposes

Koalition einigt sich auf Frauenquote in Vorständen

Die spinnen ja nur noch die deutschen Michel! In der Bananenrepublik Deutschland unter SED Kanzlerin Merkel ist jeder Unsinn möglich! Die Gartenzwerge regieren!

Frauenquoten sind strikt verfassungswidrig! Das ist wieder mal ein massiver Eingriff des allmächtigen Staates in die freie Marktwirtschaft von denen es viel zu viele gegeben hat unter SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Koalition einigt sich auf Frauenquote in Vorständen Künftig soll in einem Vorstand mit mehr als drei Mitgliedern mindestens eine Frau sitzen. Die Justizministerin nannte die Einigung am Freitag „einen Meilenstein für die Frauen in Deutschland“.

Sono Motors will Solarautos auf die Straße bringen

Gaukler wie Sono Motors sind salonfähig in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland unter der SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Sono Motors will Solarautos auf die Straße bringen Der Konzern war fast pleite. Jetzt rückt der Serienstart des „Sion“ immer näher. Und vielleicht auch ein Börsengang.

Republicans Call for Fauci to Be Fired Over Wuhan Lab Controversy

One of the biggest mistakes of former President Trump that he did not fire or retire this 80 year old clown Fauci of Faucian Bargain fame! The other big mistake was not to go after the lab leak hypothesis more vigorously! Given all the heavy, trumped up, and phony attacks against President Trump by the Dimocrats, they may be forgiven!

Republicans Call for Fauci to Be Fired Over Wuhan Lab Controversy

Karlsruhe installiert mit dem Klima-Urteil eine präventive Notstandsverfassung

Scheint sehr empfehlenswert zu sein. Hatte leider nicht die Zeit den Artikel ganz zu lesen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht ist mit diesem Urteil zum Reichsgerichtshof 1933-45 verkommen! Eine Travestie der Justiz!

»Klimaschutz« als Generalvollmacht gegen Recht und Freiheit ...
Aus Freiräumen werden Schutzräume. Aus der freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung wird – vor dem dunklen Hintergrund eines behaupteten „Weltnotstandes“ – eine Rettungsordnung, die sich anschickt, den weiteren Gang dieses Jahrhunderts zu bestimmen. Doch diese große Transformation unserer normativen Ordnung wird nicht in einem einzigen großen und dadurch erkennbaren Akt vollzogen, sondern geschieht scheibchenweise in einzelnen Schutzgesetzen (Infektionsschutz, Klimaschutz, Immissionsschutz, …), die dann durch höchstrichterliche Urteile zu neuen Pfeilern unserer Verfassungsordnung deklariert werden. ...
Ein bestimmtes Klima als Verfassungsziel – Eine entscheidende Passage des BVerfG-Urteils lautet: „Ein unbegrenztes Fortschreiten von Erderwärmung und Klimawandel stünde aber nicht im Einklang mit dem Grundgesetz."

Karlsruhe installiert mit dem Klima-Urteil eine präventive Notstandsverfassung

How does Israel defend itself against Palestinian attacks?

Very recommendable! There cannot be enough praise for the Iron Dome! 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Stupid people took control of our country

Very recommendable! What happens when you defund the police or stop prosecuting shoplifters? Hint: More crime!

Wie grüne Klimapolitik in den Total-Kollaps führt


EU Rahmenabkommen mit der Schweiz gescheitert nach 7 jährigen Verhandlungen

Das die EU unfähig war mit der kleinen Schweiz ein neues Rahmenabkommen abzuschließen ist sehr bedauerlich! Als ob hier ein Bully verhandelt hat! Das geht auch auf das Konto von der eher unsäglichen EU Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen, einem Zögling der fehleranfälligen SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Der Brexit war anscheinend keine Lehre für die immer weiter zentralisierte EU! Sehr bedauerlich! 

Die Stärke Europas liegt im Föderalismus! Jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden! Die Lehren der Geschichte haben leider oft nur kurze Beine!

Die Schweiz ist auf Grund ihres neutralen Status und jahrhundertelanger Geschichte als unabhängiger Staat ein ganz besonders Land in dieser Welt, das es als solches zu erhalten gilt! Man erinnere auch z.B. an die Päpstliche Schweizergarde!

Dem Land des Rütlischwurs von 1291 etwas aufoktroyieren zu wollen ist reichlich arrogant und anmassend von Seiten der EU! 

Wenn das eine eher dämliche EU Präsidentin nicht kapiert, ist das schlimm!

"... Für die Schweiz wird es schwierig, bestehende Rechtsunterschiede zur EU autonom abzubauen. ... Ohne Rahmenabkommen drohten Versorgungsengpässe und instabile Netze, warnen Vertreter der Schweizer Stromwirtschaft. ... Die EU reagiert mit einem Schuss vor den Bug. Als erster Nadelstich aus Brüssel sind bei Schweizer Medizinprodukten Zertifizierungen durch Schweizer Stellen im EU-Markt per sofort nicht mehr gültig. ..."

Rahmenabkommen: Könnte eine Volksinitiative die EU-Frage klären?

Brute-Force-Angriffe: Was Sie über Hacker-Gewaltakte wissen müssen

Wieso sind solche brute force Angriffe von Hackern heute im Jahr 2021 immer noch möglich! Werden accounts nicht nach drei Fehlversuchen automatisch erstmal vorübergehend abgeschaltet? Werden solche Fehlversuche nicht sofort berichtet? Unglaublich!

Warum werden heute immer noch kritische Resourcen nicht durch andere, sicherere Mittel geschützt?

"13. Brute-Force: Angriffe mit „roher Gewalt“

Cyberkriminelle nutzen zunehmend Technologien für ihre Raubzüge in IT-Systemen und versuchen, über Phishing-E-Mails an Zugangsdaten von Servern und Computern zu gelangen. Noch immer wenden sie aber auch einfach "rohe Gewalt" dafür an (Englisch: "brute force"). Dabei testen die Angreifer alle denkbaren Kombinationen an Zeichen für das Passwort durch (z.B. Alphabet mit Zahlen und Sonderzeichen). Das ist zwar im Grunde genommen sehr einfach, bei komplexen Passwörtern aber auch sehr aufwändig, weil viele Millionen oder Milliarden Kombinationen ausprobiert werden müssen. Daher nutzen Cyberkriminelle für gewöhnlich Automatisierungs-Tools, Skripte oder Bots für diese Arbeit. Je komplexer und länger Passwörter sind, desto länger dauert es übrigens, sie zu knacken; am Ende oft zu lange, so dass viele Kriminelle aufgeben. Ein komplexes Passwort lohnt sich!"
(Quelle: Buerger-Cert-Newsletter SICHER • INFORMIERT vom 27.05.2021
Ausgabe: 11/2021)

Brute-Force-Angriffe: Was Sie über Hacker-Gewaltakte wissen müssen -

On the important role of sugars binding to RNA

Amazing (sweet) stuff!

"Sugar molecules bound to RNA may be playing a new—and as-yet-unknown—role in controlling immune reactions ... The molecules, called glycans, were already known to bind to proteins and lipids, where they help control chemical signaling between cells (particularly immune signaling) when the sugar-tagged molecules migrate to the cell surface. But as Science reported in 2019, researchers found that glycans could also bind to strands of RNA, which normally translate genetic information into proteins and catalyze chemical reactions. The new finding, reported yesterday in Cell, suggests glycoRNAs also migrate to cell surfaces, where they may be involved in cell-to-cell communication."

"... Analysis of living cells revealed that the majority of glycoRNAs were present on the cell surface and can interact with anti-dsRNA antibodies and members of the Siglec receptor family. Collectively, these findings suggest the existence of a direct interface between RNA biology and glycobiology, and an expanded role for RNA in extracellular biology."

Sugars spice up RNA | Science | AAAS

Here is the referenced scientific article:

What Igbo Culture in Africa Teaches Us about Capitalism


"... are a meta-ethnicity native to present-day south-central and southeastern Nigeria. Large ethnic Igbo populations are found in Cameroon, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea, as well as outside Africa. ... The Igbo people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa. ..." (Wikipedia)

"The Igbos are one of many ethnic groups within Africa. They consist of about 43 million people, 40 million of whom live within Nigeria.  They are widely successful in Nigeria and are considered by many to be the "Jews of West Africa," partly because they tend to be more economically successful than their neighbors. ...
In Igbo culture, attaining wealth is perceived as a blessing to be cultivated and not an object of scorn. Unlike other cultures in Africa, the merchant occupies a sacred position among the Igbos. Commerce is central to understanding the world view of Igbos. ...
Like the Calvinists, who fashioned success as evidence of God’s favor, in traditional Igbo society financial success is inextricably linked to gaining favor from ancestral gods. According to Igbo philosophy, leading a worthwhile life should entail the accumulation of earthly riches. As such, no one who dies poor (i.e., enwe nta, enwe imo, the wretched poor) is entitled to a seat among the ancestors. ..."

What Igbo Culture Teaches Us about Capitalism | Mises Wire

Some thoughts on the SARS-CoV-2 lab leak hypothesis

Why was this hypothesis so intensively dismissed by interested and influential parties in the United States?

If I am not mistaken, then some of the experiments conducted at the Wuhan virology lab are prohibited in the U.S. However, Washington paid money to this lab in Wuhan for some of these experiments and/or research that are prohibited under U.S. law. What a nice cover up!

It appears also that from the 80 year old charlatan and clown Anthony Fauci on down, people responsible for or with knowledge about this research cooperation with China had no idea what exactly this Wuhan lab actually researches or how much it is also conducting biological warfare research.

Then there was the Trump Derangement Syndrome and the very cozy business dealings and other relationships of U.S. businesses etc.

Tucker Carlson: On the SARS-CoV-2 origin


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Watergate & President Nixon

Very recommendable!

What If (Tiny) Black Holes Are Everywhere?

Very recommendable!

The Case for the Private School by George Schuyler

Recommendable! Keep in mind this article was published 1956.

"A century ago education (about 1850) was almost entirely privately supported and controlled throughout the United States. ... Under this diverse system based on various educational philosophies and with widely varying curricula ... regimentation of instruction was impossible, and there was wide experimentation. This diversity by its very nature enriched our culture. ...
It is difficult to see the justice of compelling those who are paying already for private instruction to be taxed additionally for government schools to which their offspring do not go or to which they would prefer not to send them. ...
There is a real and present danger in regimented government education which an expanded private school system would allay by its wide variety of curricula and de-centralization of control. Courses of study laid down by, or increasingly influenced by, a central administration can be disastrous if not in step with changing requirements in an evolving society."

The Case for the Private School - Foundation for Economic Education

Millions of electric cars are coming. What happens to all the dead batteries?

Neither the production of new electric vehicles nor the recycling of old electric vehicles is environmentally friendly! We the people are being fooled!

"... Governments are inching toward requiring some level of recycling. In 2018, China imposed new rules aimed at promoting the reuse of EV battery components. The European Union is expected to finalize its first requirements this year. In the United States, the federal government has yet to advance recycling mandates, but several states, including California—the nation’s largest car market—are exploring setting their own rules.

Complying won’t be easy. Batteries differ widely in chemistry and construction, which makes it difficult to create efficient recycling systems. And the cells are often held together with tough glues that make them difficult to take apart. That has contributed to an economic obstacle: It’s often cheaper for batterymakers to buy freshly mined metals than to use recycled materials. ...
To extract those needles, recyclers rely on two techniques, known as pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. The more common is pyrometallurgy, in which recyclers first mechanically shred the cell and then burn it, leaving a charred mass of plastic, metals, and glues. At that point, they can use several methods to extract the metals, including further burning. “Pyromet is essentially treating the battery as if it were an ore” straight from a mine, Gaines says. Hydrometallurgy, in contrast, involves dunking battery materials in pools of acid, producing a metal-laden soup. ...
Pyrometallurgy ... [very] is energy intensive ...
Both processes produce extensive waste and emit greenhouse gases, studies have found. ..."

Millions of electric cars are coming. What happens to all the dead batteries? | Science | AAAS

Lesbenfrühling 2021: Lesben akzeptieren keine Transfrauen mit Penissen

Würden diese Lesben kastrierte Transfrauen akzeptieren? Scheint so, dass Transfrauen zwischen die Fronten geraten sind.

"... Ein bestimmter Teil der Lesben will Trans*frauen mit Penissen nämlich einfach nicht als „echte“ Frauen akzeptieren und findet sie sexuell auch nicht sonderlich anziehend. Die wiederum finden das von den Lesben gemein und „transphob“. ..."

Lesbenfrühling 2021 - Mein erstes Mal | Cicero Online Der „Lesbenfrühling 2021“ war dieses Jahr eine hochumstrittene Veranstaltung. Denn ein bestimmter Teil der Lesben will Trans*frauen mit Penissen einfach nicht als „echte“ Frauen akzeptieren.

George Schuyler: Journalist, Individualist, and Courageous Contrarian by Lawrence Reed

Very recommendable! One of the early well known black conservatives in America! He sure was outspoken and eloquent! Impressive!

"... He wrote, The tragedy of so many intellectuals in the contemporary world is that while opposing extreme forms of totalitarianism, they are themselves half-totalitarians; that is to say, they express a desire for a society which is half-controlled, half-regimented, half-planned, part capitalist and part socialist. This strange hybrid they will find (indeed, have found) to be a Frankenstein monster which, ironically, they have a great responsibility for creating. ..."

"... Schuyler once called politicians “the only class in society that is charlatan enough to offer a cure for everything.” ...
In his autobiography, Black and Conservative, he wrote:

I asked my stepfather what a socialist was, and he told me that the Socialists were people who wanted to divide up all the wealth other people had accumulated by industry and thrift. I couldn’t see the sense in that, and I can’t see it now, after having read much of the standard socialist propaganda “literature” available. Indeed, it was reading socialist tracts and apologetics that turned me definitely against all collectivism.
By 1925, when he was hired to write for the Pittsburgh Courier, America’s leading black-owned newspaper, Schuyler was well down the ideological path that would eventually put him on the campaign trail for Barry Goldwater in 1964. For almost 40 years, Schuyler wrote the Courier’s editorials and two columns per week. He exerted an influence in the country well beyond the Courier’s peak subscriber base of 350,000. ...
In 1931, Schuyler found time to do something no African American author had previously done: He published a successful science fiction novel. Titled Black No More, it told a story of a scientist who invents a process that turns blacks into whites. In his biography, George S. Schuyler: Portrait of a Black Conservative, Oscar R. Williams hailed it as “a masterful satire on racism.” ...
In February 1939, six months before the infamous Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact stunned most of the world (and which secretly agreed to divide Poland via joint invasion by Germany and the Soviet Union), Schuyler wrote in the Courier:
"In practice there is no difference between Communism and Fascism. Both are anti-democratic, both are dictatorial and ruthless regardless of the alleged reasons, both brutally suppress minorities. It is a cruel jest to say there is any basic difference between them or any fundamental antagonism. There is privately more in common between Hitler and Stalin than there is between Roosevelt and Chamberlain. I should not be at all surprised to hear shortly of a Moscow-Berlin alliance." ...
In 1956, he wrote The Case for the Private School ... This passage from it is even more relevant today than it was 65 years ago:
"Many American parents feel rightly that they, and not the State, should be responsible for what their children become; that education should be divorced from political control; and that those who prefer private instruction for their children should not be taxed for the upkeep of facilities which they did not choose nor curricula to which they do not want them exposed. There is a growing feeling that top administration and control of government school systems are too remote and too difficult to influence, that parents are mere robots in a machine that leaves little individual choice." 
Never one to eschew controversy, Schuyler was the most prominent African American journalist to criticize the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ‘60s. He saw most white Americans as non-racist people of goodwill and feared that protests and civil disorder would stall the racial progress he observed over his lifetime. In this, he was old-school, typified decades before by Booker T. Washington. Both men believed in self-help; gradual, organic change; moderation and compromise; and a focus on black enterprise. Their preferred route to eventual equal rights for blacks was to cultivate fair treatment from whites through entrepreneurship and personal character. ...
he felt, civil rights laws would not be enforced, or would be counteracted by white hostility, or would inflame tensions between the races, or all three. ..."

"... Schuyler opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While acknowledging that white discrimination against blacks was “morally wrong, nonsensical, unfair, un-Christian and cruelly unjust,” he opposed federal action to coerce changes in public attitudes. “New countries have a passion for novelty," he wrote, "and a country like America, which grew out of conquest, immigration, revolution and civil war, is prone to speed social change by law, or try to do so, on the assumption that by such legerdemain it is possible to make people better by force.” Despite the inherent unfairness of racial discrimination, he considered federal intrusion into private affairs an infringement on individual liberty, explaining that "it takes lots of time to change social mores, especially with regard to such hardy perennials as religion, race and nationality, to say nothing of social classes.” ..."

George Schuyler: Journalist, Individualist, and Courageous Contrarian - Foundation for Economic Education

John Kerry: Pope Francis one of greatest voices on climate crisis

Incredible! The dope with the pope! The most dumbest member of the current U.S. administration, John Kerry, is calling on the greatest moral authority: "We need all the power to bring to the table" for the Global Warming hoax and the Climate Change religion!

Not only is the 46th President of the U.S. cognitively impaired so is his special envoy! What the heck is John Kerry smoking! He sounds delirious! He hallucinates ...

"Well, the pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis. He's been ahead of the curve. He's been a leader. ...
No, country is exempt from needing to take measures to deal with this crisis. ...
We can do this. That's the important thing. People need to know this is doable. And in the doing of it, we can create millions of jobs. We can have cleaner air. We can have better health. We can have less cancer. We can have less air problems where people are choking and kids are going to the hospital in the summer because of environmentally induced asthma. And we can be more secure in our nation's because we can depend on energy that's at home – renewable energy, alternative energy, sustainable energy. And in the creation of those alternatives, there's enormous wealth to be created. ...
The Holy Father is one of, if not the, one of the most powerful voices on the planet and he's been extraordinary in the eloquence of his call on people to do to step up and be reasonable and to live out our responsibility as human beings in caring for God's creation. And we all have to be stewards of that creation, that's his message. But because he is above politics and outside of the hurly-burly of day-to-day, national conflict, etc. I think he can sort of shake people a little bit and bring them to the table with a better sense of our common obligation. ..."

John Kerry: Pope Francis one of greatest voices on climate crisis - Vatican News

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Most Americans aren't aware of the transgender medical malpractice

Very recommendable! Caution: Very shocking! Like too many kids are too quickly and too often diagnosed with ADHD or Autism Spectrum diseases, so are gender dysphoria diagnoses and treatments abused by the medical profession. Gender reassignment surgery after only three months of hormone treatment? What!

Ireland Opposes Biden Administration's Global Corporate Tax Plan

The Irish are no fools! Bravo! And the cognitively impaired 46th President of the United States ist totally economic illiterate and a global socialist!

This is how high tax countries want to shake down low tax countries! Tax competition across borders is vital so businesses and people can vote with their proverbial feet! 

That this U.S. administration even had the temerity even to propose such a plan is incredible, a huge embarrassment! Janet Yellen proves again to be a lousy economist (see e.g. here, here)!

The famous low taxes Celtic Tiger is not going to be pushed over by sleepy Joe! The U.S. should take a cue from Ireland!

Ireland Opposes Biden Administration's Global Corporate Tax Plan Appearing Tuesday on Sky News, Ireland’s Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe came out against a Biden administration proposal to introduce a minimum global corporate tax rate of 15 percent.

Lab-grown minihearts beat like the real thing

Amazing stuff!

"They are no bigger than sesame seeds, and they pulse with a hypnotic rhythm. These are human “minihearts,” the first to be created in the lab with clearly beating chambers. The miniature organs, or organoids, mimic the working heart of a 25-day-old human embryo and could help unravel many mysteries—including why babies’ hearts don’t scar after they experience a heart attack. ...
Although “miniorgans” like brains, guts, and livers have been grown in dishes for more than 10 years, heart organoids have been more challenging. The first ones, comprised of mouse cardiac cells, could contract rhythmically in a dish, but they looked more like a lump of cardiac cells than a proper heart ...
The minihearts, which have so far survived for more than 3 months in the lab, will help scientists see heart development in unprecedented detail. They might also reveal the origins of cardiac problems like congenital heart defects in babies and cardiac cell death after heart attacks ..."

"... We also show that Human heart organoids (hHOs) can recreate complex metabolic disorders associated with CHD by establishing the first in vitro human model of diabetes during pregnancy (DDP) to study embryonic CHD. morphological and metabolically effects of increased glucose and insulin, showing the capability of modeling the effects of diabetes during pregnancy (DDP). Our heart organoid model constitutes a powerful novel tool for translational studies in human cardiac development and disease."

Lab-grown minihearts beat like the real thing | Science | AAAS

Here is the link to the preprint research article:

Monday, May 24, 2021

How tactics to fight climate change disinformation are evolving

Ecofascists call skeptics to be in climate denial and treat it like a disease! "Researchers John Cook and Sander van der Linden hope to inoculate people against climate change denial messages."

Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion. Climate naturally changes significantly over centuries and millennia. The last ice age ended only around 1850. We still know very little about climate! Thus Climate Change is an ideology build on the pretense of knowledge and is spread by lots of propaganda and demagoguery!

Sounds like a regurgitating the usual myth about evil corporations:
"... Such disinformation efforts are outlined in internal documents from fossil fuel giants such as Shell and Exxon. As early as the 1980s, oil companies knew that burning fossil fuels was altering the climate, according to industry documents reviewed at a 2019 U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing. Yet these companies, aided by some scientists, set out to mislead the public, deny well-established science and forestall efforts to regulate emissions. ... "

"... Not coincidentally, climate disinformation tactics have shifted from outright denial to distraction and delay (SN: 1/16/21, p. 28). ..."

How tactics to fight climate change disinformation are evolving | Science News Researchers are testing games and other ways to help people recognize climate change denial

Urchin mobs team up to butcher sea stars that prey on them

Nature can be brutish sometimes! Survival of the fittest!

"Sea urchins are underwater lawnmowers, their unabating, vegetarian appetites capable of altering whole nearshore ecosystems. ..."

"... We observed urchins preying on three separate sea stars, with one being substantially consumed by urchins within 24 hr. Urchins exhibited a direct mode of attack on sea stars by individually mounting and consuming the tips of the arms. Interestingly, we did not observe any conflict between individual urchins for attacking the sea star despite there being ≈80 starving urchins in the tank (and only 10–12 arms on the sea stars). Some sea stars did not attempt to escape urchin predation at all, while others attempted to escape by fleeing and lifting arms on top of the urchins. Given that sensory perception in sea stars is largely derived from the arm tips, we suggest that urchins directly attack and consume many sea star arm tips in an attempt to “pin” sea stars before consuming them. ..."

Urchin mobs team up to butcher sea stars that prey on them | Science News The spiny invertebrates pin the sea stars’ arms in an overwhelming predator-prey role reversal

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

The Valley Of Kings: The Egyptian Golden Age with Joanne Fletcher

Very recommendable! Some of the earliest tomb robbers were ordered by the high priests of Karnak

Sebastian Gorka: Let's go back in time on foreign policy from President Obama to President Trump to the 46th President


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Why You Wouldn't Exist Without Viruses

Very recommendable! Sort of an antidote to the prevailing SARS-CoV-2 hysteria! 

The Insane Biology of: Ant Colonies

Very recommendable! Amazing stuff!

China is EXPANDING its EMPIRE in RUSSIA’S backyard

Very recommendable! Debt trap diplomacy! What is Putin the Terrible doing about it other than gnashing his teeth?

FastFacts: Privatschulen in Deutschland

Ab und zu, aber viel zu selten, gibt es auch mal was Positives zu berichten aus der Bananenrepublik Deutschland!

Mehr Privatschulen braucht das Land!

FastFacts: Privatschulen in Deutschland - IREF Europe Jahr für Jahr werden in Deutschland über 700.000 Kinder neu eingeschult. Zum Start der Schullaufbahn und beim Wechsel auf höhere Schulen stehen jedes Jahr viele Eltern vor der Wahl, auf welche Schulen ihre Sprösslinge gehen sollen. Im Vergleich zu den frühen 1990er Jahren besuchen heute deutlich mehr Schüler Privatschulen. Während 1992 nur 4,8 Prozent aller Schüler an allgemeinbildenden Schulen in privaten Schulen lernten, lag der Anteil im Jahr 2019 bei 9,2 Prozent.