Friday, March 05, 2021

We Have the Data to Prove It: Universities Are Hostile to Conservatives

I did not have the time to read the whole article nor study! However, I have little doubt that you can empirically prove the claim! 

I know for sure I would not be able to study at many of the so called liberal and/or elite U.S. universities! It would make me cringe or worse almost every day!

"Academic freedom is in trouble in America, Britain and Canada, according to a new study I conducted on the subject. While the term "cancel culture" is often thrown around like a political football, my new report for the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology (CSPI) found quantitative evidence that the ideals of the university—to establish a tolerant ethos open to questioning received wisdom—is being perverted by political aims. ..."

"This study is the first of its kind to investigate authoritarianism and political discrimination in academia, relying on survey responses from both the perpetrators and targets of discrimination.
Across three Anglophone countries, a significant portion of academics discriminate against conservatives in hiring, promotion, grants and publications. Over 4 in 10 US and Canadian academics would not hire a Trump supporter, and 1 in 3 British academics would not hire a Brexit supporter.
Gender-critical feminist scholars appear to experience even more discrimination than conservatives. Only 28% of American and Canadian academics would feel comfortable having lunch with someone who opposes the idea of transwomen accessing women’s shelters.
Most professors do not back cancel culture in its most authoritarian forms. Only 1 in 10 academics supports firing controversial professors. Nonetheless, while most do not back cancellation, many are not opposed to it, remaining non-committal.
Right-leaning academics experience a high level of institutional authoritarianism and peer pressure. In the US, over a third of conservative academics and PhD students have been threatened with disciplinary action for their views while 70% of conservative academics report a hostile departmental climate for their beliefs.
In the social sciences and humanities, over 9 in 10 Trump-supporting academics and 8 in 10 Brexit-supporting academics say they would not feel comfortable expressing their views to a colleague. More than half of North American and British conservative academics admit self-censoring in research and teaching. ...
A hostile climate plays a part in deterring conservative graduate students from pursuing careers in academia. ..."

We Have the Data to Prove It: Universities Are Hostile to Conservatives | Manhattan Institute

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