In honor of Thomas Paine and other Founders & Immigrants. In memory of my daddy Horst Bingel
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
U.S. Home Prices Rise at Fastest Pace in 15 Years
Monday, March 29, 2021
Wolfgang Kubicki: "Angela Merkel glaubt, sie sei die Gouvernante Deutschlands"
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Design could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium batteries
'Like Magic,' Physicists Conjure Curious Quasiparticles
U.S. Special Operations Command hired a chief of diversity and inclusion
Cooling homes without warming the planet
“The thing about air conditioning is the basic technology hasn't changed much since it was invented 100 years ago,” ...
a class of highly porous materials called metal organic frameworks, or MOFs, that passively pull moisture from the air as the machine works. ...
MOF’s intriguing properties come from their large internal surface area [like activated carbon] and the ability to finely tune the size of the tiny chambers that run through them. ...
Transaera’s MOFs passively collect moisture as air enters the system. The machine’s waste heat is then used to dry the MOF material for continuous reuse. ..."
Persistent Gender Inequality Regarding Military Draft Registration
You local PBS station: 'Extinction: The Facts' and 'Climate Change: The Facts'
Saturday, March 27, 2021
‘Barely cogent’ Joe Biden starring in ‘Weekend at Bidens’: Bernardi
Weekend at Biden's Comedy
US military 'go woke' as Chinese commit serious incursion into Taiwan airspace
Bernd Baumann über korrupte Unionsabgeordnete
Google's unusual move to shut down an active counterterrorism operation being conducted by a Western democracy
The Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky came under fire in 2018 when it exposed an American-led counterterrorism cyber operation against ISIS and Al Qaeda members in the Middle East. Kaspersky, like Google, did not explicitly attribute the threat but nevertheless exposed it and rendered it useless, American officials said, which caused the operatives to lose access to a valuable surveillance program and even put the lives of soldiers on the ground at risk. ...
Google’s recent announcements, however, put the spotlight on what had been a live cyber-espionage operation. ..."
Biden has signed twice as many executive orders as immediate predecessors
China defends its ‘vocational training centres’ in Xinjiang white paper
Israeli cargo ship hit by missile near Yemen in suspected Iranian attack
Since 2019, Israel has been attacking ships carrying Iranian oil and weapons through the eastern Mediterranean and Red seas, according to a New York Times article published Friday. The Iranians recently have begun to retaliate by targeting Israeli vessels, the report said. ...
U.S. Senator from Utah Mitt Romney wins ‘Profile in Courage’ award for impeachment vote
Goldwater Institute: Breaking Down Barriers to Work in the United States
The average military family moves every two to three years ... And for military spouses, these frequent relocations can mean major disruptions in their careers. ..."
Many Climate Crisis Claims Are Based on Manipulated Science
Where Did the Term “Gerrymander” Come From?
Colleagues respected Gerry’s intelligence, gentlemanliness, attention to detail, and hard work, but his maverick political views and personality sometimes hurt his judgment. According to Adams, he had an “obstinacy that will risk great things to secure small ones.” ...
Gerry refused to sign the Constitution—“as complete an aristocracy as ever was framed,” he complained – in part because he thought the standing army and the powerful Senate could become tyrannical. He became an Anti-Federalist, arguing that the Constitution had gotten the balance of power between states and the national government wrong. ..."
US. Senator Lindsey Graham shares blunt public message for VP Kamala Harris
Friday, March 26, 2021
Tucker Carlson: Our military leadership has gone 'woke'
In Chicago, 116 people have been killed so far in 2021
Ultrasound has potential to damage coronaviruses
Trans woman accuses TSA of being 'transphobic'
Or is this a very clever businessman seeking a million dollar settlement from the Transportation Security Administration?
Does this transgender woman suggest she still has a penis? How transphobic would any man get dating her?
Bundesverfassungsgericht stoppt das Ja des Bundestags zur EU-Schuldenunion
508,164,642 vaccine doses administered worldwide
A milestone was reached with half a billion vaccine doses! It is almost a miracle that this happened so fast on a global scale! It is absolutely extraordinary! (Source)
Not to mention we have how many different, approved and effective vaccines available and produced in multiple countries (about a dozen based on four different approaches)! Absolutely mind boggling!
What a miracle to behold!
Global Covid-19 Recovered Statistics: United States is missing
Is it not very peculiar that the U.S. does not report the number of recovered (at least not according to Johns Hopkins University)? If find it extraordinary!
But Canada and Mexico are not missing from this list!
The number of recovered is essential to compute and determine herd immunity! Thus, the omission of the number of recovered in the U.S. from the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center is strange!
Here is the link to the website: Covid-19 dashboard of the JHU
Biden’s Mach 2 Madness on the U.S. military
Study: Global plant growth surging alongside carbon dioxide
Thursday, March 25, 2021
FULL first press conference of the 46th President of the United States
Trump gives exclusive reaction to Biden's first press conference
Harvard University creates Office for Gender Equity
which will report to the Office of the President and the Provost ...
In terms of prevention and education, the office will offer workshops ranging from gender diversity and inclusion, to consent education, to bystander intervention and more. This will represent enhanced and expanded programming beyond what OSAPR and Title IX have offered in the past. ...
A repeated theme through our many conversations with community members was the need for dedicated resources with expertise in restorative practices as well as experience working directly with individuals [males?] who may have caused harm within our community. ...
This includes helping individuals access supportive measures such as counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, no-contact orders, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of absence, increased security, or monitoring. ..."
Roboter-Teams für den Mond: DFKI startet EU-Projekt zur Erkundung von Lava-Höhlen durch kooperierende autonome Rover
Giant container ship blocks Suez Canal
I did not realize that Caterpillar makes such strong equipment. It takes just one to move one of the largest container ships in the world? I am impressed! News reports are saying it may take weeks! Never underestimate the Cat! (just kidding) 😄
46th U.S. President says he expects to run for re-election in 2024
Work-From-Home Challenges City Income Tax Reach
"Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
How do you know that SARS-CoV-2 is fairly harmless
I have seen a number of reports over the last several months that human volunteers were intentionally infected with the virus to test treatments etc. in various studies and countries. Would humans be used as guinea pigs or like lab mice, if the virus was really dangerous?
See e.g. this U.S. National Institutes of health website:
Volunteer for COVID-19 Clinical Trials
Plus, 50-60% of all infected have no symptoms, another 20-30% have only mild symptoms, and, most unusual, children/teenagers are little affected!
SaNOtize Begins Production In Israel Of Anti-viral Nasal Spray
The spray is undergoing clinical trial in the UK and is currently in Phase II prevention and efficacy trial in Canada. Early tests at Utah State University’s Antiviral Research Institute have shown that the nasal solution inactivated more than 99.9 percent of SARs-CoV-2, SaNOtize announced in January. ..."
Tucker Carlson: Der Scharfmacher von Fox News
Cities of the Underworld: Rome
The Whispers - And the Beat Goes On (Official Music Video)
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Tucker Carlson: Two Democrat U.S. Senators want to deny jobs based on race
Jens Spahn, ein typischer Berufspolitiker im Umkreis von Merkel
- Er hat sich treu der SED Kanzlerin Merkel unterworfen
- Seine scheinbare Jugendlichkeit (heute doch 40 Jahre alt) sowie Homosexualität und Heirat mit einem Mann war von kalkuliertem Vorteil, ein Vorzeigekandidat, für die CDU bei Wahlen mit den Grünen/Linken um Stimmen zu buhlen
Notes on 2 Massachusetts Towns Create Legal Polyamorous Partnerships
The Carbon cycle and the Global Warming hoax
Although anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, this natural climate change mitigation has so far proportionally kept pace with emissions ...
Predicting interactions between Earth’s climate and carbon cycle is challenging because of the number of feedbacks involved. ...
Thus, there are observational gaps in climate-sensitive tropical, boreal, and Arctic ecosystems. ...
With multidecadal satellite remote sensing records, it has become possible to distinguish interannual variability from trends. ...
Observational systems monitoring ocean chemical and physical processes are also critical for understanding the ocean carbon cycle. Current ocean observing systems include ship-based measurements, the Argo floats network, and surface buoys from the Global CO2 Time-Series and Moorings Project. These systems measure surface water CO2 and temperature ...
Just as observational methods produce different results, current terrestrial ecosystem models indicate different trends in carbon uptake ..., limiting our understanding of the evolution of carbon-climate feedbacks ..."
Perhaps, it has more than just kept pace! When scientists use words like "challenging" they mean they don't know! 😄
Boulder mass shooting suspect was ‘previously known’ by FBI: Report
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB detection and mortality in 2020
Intriguing new result from the LHCb experiment at CERN
The new result indicates hints of a deviation from one: the statistical significance of the result is 3.1 standard deviations, which implies a probability of around 0.1% that the data is compatible with the Standard Model predictions. “If a violation of lepton flavour universality were to be confirmed, it would require a new physical process, such as the existence of new fundamental particles or interactions,” says LHCb spokesperson Professor Chris Parkes from the University of Manchester and CERN."
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Neuer Säugetieratlas der Schweiz: mehr Arten als vor 25 Jahren
EU, US, Canada, and UK sanction Chinese officials for massive human rights violations in Xinjiang
Fly the urban skies with Urban Aeronautic flying cars
Notes on the Atlanta spa murders
Powerful propaganda and demagoguery forces are trying to convince the public that this event represented a certain form of hate crime!
Here is a hypothesis against the propaganda of racist hate crime:
Had a similar crime been committed in a large German city, then many of the homicide victims would have been probably (white) women from eastern Europe or even former USSR countries!
It perhaps just so happens that in the U.S. Asian women tend to work disproportionately in such businesses.
Had the perpetrator of this heinous crime not committed it if the females working in those spa businesses had been let's say mostly white Hispanics?
Victor Davis Hanson: Follow The ‘Science,’ They Said
Estonian Top NATO Scientist With Security Clearance Busted Spying for China
Endlich verlässt die Kröte Merkel das Bundeskanzleramt! Eine Abrechnung!
Die 16 Jahre Amtszeit der SED (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland) Kanzlerin Merkel waren verheerend für Deutschland! Unter ihrer Regierung hatte sich Deutschland voll in eine Bananenrepublik entwickelt! Wie viele Jahre wird es dauern bis sich Deutschland von dem Trauma Merkel wieder erholt? Sehr wahrscheinlich und spielend wird Merkel als der schlechteste Kanzler seit 1945 in die Geschichte eingehen!
Viel zu viele Jahre haben die Bürger und die CDU die Kröte Merkel geschluckt!
Deutschland braucht dringend eine verfassungsrechtliche Amtszeitbegrenzung für alle Mitglieder des Bundestags und Bundeskanzler! Deutschland hat viel zu viele unbedarfte lebenslange Berufspolitiker! Der seit vielen Jahren völlig aufgeblähte deutsche Bundestag mit 709 Mandaten muss auch dringendst geschrumpft werden!
Warum die CDU sich nicht vor Jahren rechtzeitig von dieser unfähigen Politikerin getrennt hat bleibt unbegreiflich. Wie sich damals Bundeskanzler Kohl in dieser Frau (Mädchen) so verguckt hat!
Die Liste ihrer gravierenden und weitreichenden Fehlleistungen ist sehr lang (bestimmt übersehe ich einige oder sie fallen mir nicht mehr ein. Die Nummerierung reflektiert nicht die Brisanz etc.):
- Abrupte, irrationale Ausstieg aus der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie
- Einführung des Mindestlohns in Deutschland (2014). Staatliche Preiskontrollen sind grundsätzlich verfassungswidrig!
- Energiewende, ein Disaster
- Abschaltung der Kohlekraftwerke
- Unkontrollierte, planlose Masseneinwanderung
- Die Europäische Union ist unter ihr zu einem dirigistischen Zentralstaat mutiert. Machte den Brexit möglich u.v.m. Das e.g. Subsidiaritätsprinzip wurde ausgehölt
- Die Europäische Währungsunion wurde aufgeweicht und die diesbezüglichen Verträge grob missachtet
- Die jahrelange, einseitige Hetze gegen Rechtsradikale und Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Partei
- Einführung von Frauenquoten in den Vorständen von Unternehmen. Verfassungswidrig ohne Zweifel!
- Installierung der blöden Ursula von der Leyen als EU Kommissionspräsidentin
- Am Ende ihrer langen Amtszeit darf sie noch das enorme westliche Debakel von Afghanistan gewahr werden, aber sie geht lieber ins Kino!
- Wäre das idiotische Klimawahn Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts möglich gewesen ohne die Kanzlerin?
- Nach dem raschen und unvorgesehenen Fall Afghanistans werden wir auch wieder daran erinnert, dass das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Spionage des Bundesnachrichtendienstes gegen Afghanistan in unverständlicher und in völlig realitätsferner Weise erschwert hat! Bundeswehrsoldaten haben ihr Leben und ihre Gesundheit in Afghanistan riskiert! Die Kanzlerin trägt Mitverantwortung auch dafür!!
P.S. Klarstellung: Nicht die Frau ist eine Kröte, aber die deutschen Bürger haben eine Kröte unglaubliche 16 Jahre lang geschluckt. Oder sie sass wie eine Kröte auf dem Kanzleramt!
Hypersonic weapons are coming—whether we’re ready or not
Russian and Chinese systems are being developed with a nuclear or conventional warhead capability. ..."
By travelling at a lower altitude than the lofted trajectories of ICBMs, they provide reduced warning times to ground-based radar. And, because they can manoeuvre—in contrast to the predictable trajectories of ICBMs—they can approach the intended target from almost any direction. ...
ecause high speed precludes high manoeuvrability, such weapons won’t be suitable against fast-moving targets but could be very effective against fixed targets or slow-moving targets such as ships. ...
Australia is investing many billions of dollars in advanced sensors and combat systems to defend its surface vessels against subsonic and supersonic weapons. ...
In between strategic and tactical systems, intermediate range (500- to 5,000-kilometre) hypersonic weapons raise some serious arms control and stability issues. Intermediate range ballistic weapons were banned by treaty towards the end of the Cold War because the reduced warning times increased the risk of uncontrolled escalation. ..."
Monday, March 22, 2021
A next step in renewable Bionic Leaf fuel production
We did that years ago with the Artificial Leaf system we developed. It is completely renewable because when you take the hydrogen it produces and you recombine it with oxygen, you get water, or if you have hydrogen as a fuel directly, or in combination with carbon dioxide to make a liquid fuel, and then you burn that fuel, you get the water back. You’re not using up the water, you’re cycling it.
In most other catalysts that do water splitting, the water has to come from pristine environments or they corrode. My group created what’s called self-healing catalysts, and they fix themselves in real time. Because they self-heal, you don’t need to use pure water sources. After, all, almost 97 percent of the world’s water is impure. That’s what we added to our system in this latest approach. It combines forward osmosis, to purify the water, with water splitting so you can take dirty water and then get it to a clean water stage, which is then split to make hydrogen and oxygen. ..."