Saturday, August 01, 2020

Demolishing the Lincoln Myth, Yet Again


Yes, Lincoln was indeed a very controversial president besides his soaring rhetoric and speeches!

Lincoln introduced Big Government at a grand scale! He was also the first president e.g. to introduce a federal income tax!

The American Civil War was totally unnecessary and unconstitutional!

The Civil War was not about slavery but about the preserving the union at all costs!

Southern states had every right to secede if their citizens decided to do so!

Slavery would have been peacefully abolished over time as it happened previously in the United Kingdom and as other Western countries have shown! It was only a matter of time to be accomplished ...

A truly great president would have resigned if he was unable to prevent a civil war between the states! But Lincoln opted to fight this horrific civil war to the bitter end! How many times did Lincoln earnestly try to end the war as early as possible by negotiation or other diplomatic means?

Demolishing the Lincoln Myth, Yet Again | Mises Wire

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