Friday, May 15, 2020

New hybrid embryos are the most thorough mixing of humans and mice yet

Cause for great concern? Probably not! However, fear of Frankenstein will most likely haunt or slow down progress.

"... With a little help, human stem cells can knit themselves into growing mouse embryos, populating the developing liver, heart, retina and blood, researchers report  ...  But in one of the new mouse embryos, 4 percent of its cells were human — the most thorough mixing between human and mouse yet. ... “it potentially represents a major advance,” ... More humanized animals could also prove valuable in studying diseases such as malaria that affect people more than other animals. And with more advances, chimeras could ultimately turn out to be a source of human organs ..."

New hybrid embryos are the most thorough mixing of humans and mice yet | Science News Chimeras could usher in a deeper understanding of how cells build bodies

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