Friday, March 22, 2019

European Union Versus Google

Posted: 3/22/2019

Google was just hit with the third, huge fine by the European Union! This time $1.7 billion for unfair advertising following a record $5 billion fine last year.

What is this about?
  1. The glaring admission of a major impotence on part of the EU in matters of cutting edge technology?
  2. Highway robbery by the EU to extract huge amounts of money from successful foreign companies
  3. Massive sabotage of free trade by the EU
  4. All of the above? Quite possible

I would not be surprised if President Trump will take aim at this brazen behavior by the EU Commission!


Anonymous said...

As our lives move into the digital world, and as the digital world moves into our lives, real-life rules and virtual-world rules will converge.

Just like the owner of the house can be liable for the person renting using it for illegal activities, so Google can now be charged when someone uses Google to infringe copy writes.

It is a nuisance for Google in the short run, but good for all in the long run.

Thomas Bingel said...

I disagree with Anonymous's comment here. Does not make much sense these kind of liabilities without guilt. The millenia old principle mens rea still applies whether in the virtual world or in real life