Friday, December 07, 2018

The Free Everything From Government Plague

Posted: 12/7/2018


Yesterday, I saw the news (German language) that rich, small Luxembourg is offering now free public transportation to its citizens.

In the U.S. calls for free Medicare for all, free college tuition, free Internet etc. are heard more often.

Similar demands are voiced in other Western democracies.

A Very Contagious And Dangerous Plague

Over history humans got rid of most plagues of the past, but this plague of more free services and goods provided by government persists and spreads. These are signs of serious decadence and a grand delusion! Free everything has become an addiction! Especially, younger people appear to be attracted by this sweet Siren song!

Abundance of material well being; largely freedom from hunger, material suffering and poverty; and long absence of war times in Western societies for the past several decades has laid the the fertile ground for utopian ideas.

This plague has the power to undermine the achievements of Western Civilization. Big Government tyranny is looming if this plague is allowed to spread further. A government that can give a citizen everything, can take everything.

Combine this free everything from government plague with increasing demands for universal, unconditional basic income and you have the perfect combination for decline and doom!

Will the people resist this great temptation of or longing for cornucopia and paradise!

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