Friday, December 28, 2018

Next Agricultural Revolution Is Underway

Posted: 12/28/2018

This time, the agricultural revolution is happening at several fronts and it is very high tech:
  1. Genetically modified crops to increase yields & resistance etc.
  2. Growing plants is going indoors (modern, computerized, climate controlled green/hot houses) and vertical using LED lights

None of this is very new. It has been going on for decades, but at a rather smaller scale and located in few geographic locations (e.g. Netherlands, Israel). It appears, we are entering or we have already entered a phase were these two factors will be more combined and are ready to be applied to large scale agricultural production worldwide.

This could dramatically change the landscape of agriculture (no pun intended) as we know it. The benefits could be tremendous: It promises e.g. a lot less resources consumption (land, water, chemicals, pesticides etc.).

And this may only be an intermediate step when humans are ready to have bacteria produce any food we like.


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