Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Modern Language Of Superstition

Posted: 2/25/2015


One takeaway from this article is that modern superstition can be summarized as repeated “Predictions of starvation, depletion, and pollution” that did not pan out.

Humans Are Still Superstitious

Anyone, who believes that humans are not superstitious anymore since Francis Bacon (1561-1626) or Voltaire (1694-1778), should think again. Humans are still prone to unfounded apocalyptic thinking.

Superstition is still the enemy of human ingenuity as well as  human and nature’s adaptability!

Language Of Superstition

  1. Precautionary Principle (The fear of doing something)
  2. Environmental Sustainability (A self imposed straight jacket)
  3. Peak Oil (Predicted many times for over a century)
  4. Carrying Capacity (How many people can live on this planet at the same time)
  5. Global Warming (A hoax)
  6. Global Cooling (The hoax before Global Warming)
  7. Vaccination (How many sophisticated parents refuse to vaccinate their children for no good reason?)
  8. And the list goes on and on …

I have blogged previously about some of the above terms (e.g. 1, 2, 5)

Instrumentum Regni

That is exactly what superstition has been and still is used for centuries as an instrument of control and power! That is one major explanation why government run public education is more indoctrination than education.

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