Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nicotine Prohibition

Posted: 10/19/2014

Irrational & Shrill

The irrational discussions about the new e-cigarettes or vaporizers to inhale nicotine suggest that the fear of nicotine addiction is clouding the mind even of many so called highly educated experts.

Nicotine Addiction

How bad is actually a nicotine addiction to an adult? How unhealthy is it? Unfortunately, I do not have the time to investigate this further, but my hunch is that if nicotine is used in moderation then the health risks are negligible.

What are the benefits of nicotine consumption? From what I have read there are some benefits to certain people.

It Is Neither Tobacco Nor Smoking

There is a deliberate and constantly repeated confusion going on in public discussion between tobacco, smoking and these new forms of nicotine consumption. Latter has nothing to do with tobacco or smoking other than being a means of consuming nicotine.

Calls to ban these new forms of nicotine consumption in public spaces are to be rejected. Why don’t we ban coffee drinking in public?

Nicotine And Minors

This is, most likely, the only sticking point in this public discussion! Probably, we can all agree that Nicotine should not be sold to minors.

It is foremost the responsibility of parents to keep their children away from things like Nicotine. It is not necessarily a government responsibility.

Why Prohibition?

I suspect that similar motivations that brought the infamous U.S. alcohol prohibition about are operating in this case too.

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