Sunday, October 26, 2014

Future Of Cyber Consciousness

Posted: 10/26/2014


Just read this interview at MIT Technology Review “Q&A with Futurist Martine Rothblatt If computers think for themselves, should they have human rights?” Wherein Ms. Rothblatt “... makes legal and ethical arguments for why intelligent software might eventually deserve all the rights of flesh-and-blood people.”

What Is A Futurist Anyway?

Is this someone who had a late in life a sex reassignment surgery?
Is this someone, who believes in an esoteric Terasem movement?

Totally Tethered To The Past

What surprised me most was that this so called futurist repeatedly stated that cyber consciousness should be approved by a Soviet style/era big government agency, i.e. the FDA. To quote “I think this software will be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, as a prosthesis that safely and effectively creates human consciousness. ” (emphasis added). Had a good laugh about this futurist.

One can only hope that by the time we reach cyber consciousness the FDA will long be forgotten and remain only as a footnote reminder of how foolish humans were in a bygone era.

She also stated in the above interview “I propose that these [software cyber] minds will need to spend a year in interviews with psychiatrists, in which they would talk to it just as you and I are talking back and forth.” (emphasis added). I had another good laugh about this so called futurist. Could it be that psychologists or psychiatrists were more like charlatans, a blind alley and human folly.

Software Or Cyber Consciousness

Ms. Rothblatt may have a point that one day a human being could live immortal through software in cyberspace or whatever will be. This is a distinct possibility.

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