Saturday, June 14, 2014

President Obama Is The Latest Pinnacle Of Power Aggrandizement

Presidential Power Aggrandizement In U.S. History

I would guess the trend of this power aggrandizement is clearly upward and accelerating, but it happened in waves around the trend.

In my estimation, there has been an acceleration (or the upward swing peak amplitude above trend became larger than the through amplitudes of the downward swings) of this power aggrandizement at least since President Theodore Roosevelt (he was not a Teddy). I would also argue that President Abraham Lincoln set a terrible precedent that was not limited to war time.

Western Democracy Is Prone To Deteriorate Over Time

Apparent trends in Western, democratic countries:
  1. Ever centralization of political power
  2. Failure of checks and balances as the judiciary is more rubber stamping expanding government power than upholding the limits of government and individual freedom
  3. Expanding profligacy of government spending, and debt
  4. The control and abuse of monetary policy since ancient times by government
  5. Crowding out of individual freedom and responsibility for government welfare, regulation and laws
  6. Ever expanding rule of law in form of myriad regulations and laws affecting every aspect of human life. The rule of law is broken (More on this see my blog post here and here).

I have previously blogged about Democracy In Crisis here and here.

Lessons Learnt

I have previously blogged about that subject here, here, and here.

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