Friday, June 13, 2014

Cab Drivers In Western Countries Protest Uber

Luddites Or Monopolists

Cab drivers and companies are vested interest groups vigorously defending their privileges.

Here are some pertinent quotes from a recent Wall Street Journal article:
  1. “But the scale of the planned protests across Europe also underscores the extent to which the technology has upended one of the world's most regulated industries.”
  2. “But the hurdles have been higher in Europe, where taxi drivers tend to be well organized. The industry is often more heavily regulated, and governments are more willing to actively protect sectors under threat of job losses.”

Every cab driver who own their car is free to join Uber or to compete with Uber!

The Only Constant In Life Is Change

Economies are dynamic organisms. Markets or businesses come and go ...

Will The Consumers Protest The Monopoly

We hope the consumers will respond by buying more of Uber’s services!

We hope that governments bust these ridiculous cab monopolies and relax regulations!

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