Saturday, June 08, 2013

Representative Democracy And Voters’ Apathy


Today (10/9/2013), I came across following article published by the AEI titled “Deeply troubling trends on attitudes toward government, AEI Political Report, October 2013” dated 10/8/2013.

Here are is salient excerpt from the summary (emphasis added):
“* Trust and confidence in government to handle domestic and international problems are at their lowest levels in 40 years. Only 49 percent trust the government a great deal or a fair amount when it comes to handling international affairs; 42 percent said the same about domestic problems.  
* Two-thirds say they are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed, the highest response in 40 years.
* Anger is rising. Seventeen percent said they were angry toward the federal government in 1992, but 27 percent give that response today.
* The proportion saying government has a negative impact on people's lives is 64 percent, up from 45 percent a decade ago.
* Six in ten say government is too powerful, another all-time high. Furthermore, people believe 60 cents of every dollar they pay in federal taxes is wasted.
* In 1972, 65 percent had a great deal or a fair amount of confidence in people in political life. Today, 46 percent do.”

Representative Democracy Is Withering

Representative democracy as we know it is now more than 225 years old. I would make the assertion that all is not well with representative democracy in the Western world. Perhaps it is showing signs of being worn out.

Representative democracy is on the Road To more Serfdom. Individual liberty and responsibility are trampled almost daily by our elected representatives.

Representative democracy has led to a reckless and breathless expansion of government, government expenditures, and government debt. Politicians made excessive, princely promises to buy votes with other peoples’ hard earned money.

Within just 10 years two major economic recessions have affected many people around the world. The Great Recession is still not over as of June 2013. Politicians and government officials were among the main culprits behind these two recessions. Our elected political leadership was obviously inept to respond to these two severe economic recessions. Or worse it exacerbated these recessions.

Perhaps One Of The Biggest Threats 
To Representative Democracy

The threat: Increasing voters’ apathy and disillusionment with the political system of representative democracy. Every few years voters are asked to vote, but is this not the only significant participation for many voters in their government affairs? 

Will citizens much longer be satisfied with mantras like democracy is the worst form of government except those that were tried before? Will they be receptive or ready to try something new and different?

Will The Pendulum Swing Again

In the past, when the people get fed up with a political system something drastic would happen. Will it be different, peaceful this time? 

Possibly, more authoritarian forms of government could return or …

To Save Representative Democracy

Here are some proposals:
·     Smaller and limited government!
·     Balanced budgets, strict limits on government expenditures and debt as a percentage of GDP (e.g. 30% max each).
·     Restore more individual liberty and responsibility!
·    Strict and short term limits for anyone in government office or service (including judges, public employees, police etc.)
·   Or more radical: Voluntary payment of taxes like donations (see my previous blog post). Voting with your money!

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