Thursday, June 27, 2013

Marriage Is A Truly Private Affair

What’s Next?

Now that marriage between same sex partners is all but sanctioned by government, we wonder what comes next?
Will we soon see the legalization of polygamy (polygyny or polyandry)? Will humans marry animals? Other suggestions?
What would be wrong with this?

Keep Government Out Of This As Much As Possible

Why is government so much involved in marriage anyway? To protect the institution? From a nationalistic perspective: To insure population growth and social stability?

The only legitimate role I can see for government as far as marriage is concerned is to record a special relationship between two perhaps more human beings. E.g. any preferential tax treatment for how people live together or not should be abolished. No personal relationship between humans should be given any preferential treatment by government.

Someone might interject: What about the children? Self evidently, Children deserve some kind of protection by the government, but this does not require the government condoning certain human relationships or not. The welfare of children can be addressed by the government without any recourse to the underlying relationship of humans.

A Truly Private Affair

It should be left to exclusively to the individual to decide with whom the individual wants to spend his/her life together in a hopeful a meaningful relationship.

It is up to the individuals involved that should be able to decide for themselves whether to register their relationship at all with the government or not.

It should be up to the individuals involved to decide whether or how they get married (civil or church etc.)?

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