Friday, June 21, 2013

Who Wants To Be The Next Victim Of A Terrorist Attack?

Limited Government - Not Big Brother

Having grown up in Germany in the immediate post World War II period I sure do not like any totalitarian states or any comprehensive government surveillance of its citizens. My blog post is my creed!

Abstract Principles Do Not Trump
The Killing Of Humans By Fanatics

Does anyone of those individuals who feverishly hail Mr. Edward Snowden as some kind of a hero want to be the next victim of a mindless, future terrorist attack? Those individuals count on the low probability that they themselves will be the next victim. This is an egoistic and inhumane attitude. Nobody deserves to die because of a fanatic.

We know at least since Voltaire that you cannot argue with a fanatic. This is perhaps a harsh observation. It may not apply to every fanatic, but it is generally not very far off from the truth. However, terrorists who intend to kill or kill themselves to kill as many other innocent humans as possible are fanatics.

Self-Defense Against Homicidal Fanatics Is
An Utmost Basic Government Function

These fanatics would probably not hesitate to use the deadliest weapons they can possibly get hold off. How about some kind of a very contagious and deadly disease created by a terrorist at his home using off the shelf equipment? Therefore, it is a primary, genuine duty of a democratically elected government to protect its citizens from such fanatics. The ultimate responsibility of each citizen and our elected representatives is to make sure that sufficient safeguards are put in place.

Non-Violence Principle

This fundamental principle of civilized society cannot be repeated enough:
1.       Violence is only to be used as a self-defense against attacks on your person or your family to prevent imminent harm

2.       If you have grievances against government or any other institution etc. you have to resort to non-violent means first and be patient for a long time.

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