Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Most Obstinate Anti-Business President Of Recent Times – Barack Obama

The American Voters Were Fools

Why was this guy reelected in 2012? Were the American voters fools? Yes, they were!
I am so glad, the American people were smart enough to insert a term limit for presidents into the US Constitution in 1951. Another term with this guy would be a disaster.

Public Business Enemy No. 1

Now President Obama wants to use his executive power to further strangle the already sluggish economy with his environmental obsessions.

Wall Street Journal On The Issue

This newspaper expressed it much better than I could in their opinion piece titled “The Carbonated President/Obama unveils a war on fossil fuels he never disclosed as a candidate.” on 6/26/2013. Here are some salient excerpts (Emphasis added):
1.       “President Obama's climate speech on Tuesday was grandiose even for him, but its surreal nature was its particular hallmark.” [Is he delusional?]
2.       “But there was the President in tony Georgetown, threatening more energy taxes and mandates that will ensure fewer jobs, still lower incomes and slower growth.” [How many unemployed or welfare recipients voted for this guy?]
3.       “Mr. Obama's "climate action plan" adds up to one of the most extensive reorganizations of the U.S. economy since the 1930s, imposed through administrative fiat and raw executive power.” [Who does he think he is?]
4.       “He wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 17% by 2020, but over his 6,500-word address …” [A central planner in chief]
5.       “Most striking about this Obama legacy project is its [his] contempt for democratic consent. Congress has consistently rejected an Obama-style "comprehensive" anticarbon energy plan.” [Authoritarian and disturbing!]
6.       “The only legislative justification for Mr. Obama's new plan is an abusive interpretation of the Clean Air Act, which was last revised in 1990 and never mentions carbon as a pollutant.” [To classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant or toxin is perverse and extreme.]

7.       “Instead [before the last election] he posed as the John the Baptist of fossil fuels in locales such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia—taking credit for the shale fracking boom he had nothing to do with and running ads attacking Mitt Romney as anticoal.” [President Obama is a pure opportunist.]

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