Saturday, February 15, 2014

Good Bye Microsoft Windows 8

Welcome Linux

I have finally begun to liberate myself from Microsoft Windows by installing Fedora Linux on my recently purchased new Lenovo notebook with touchscreen.

The Unix operating system and its universe of applications (many of them free) have come a long way since then.

Installation and setup was a breeze. The new Cinnamon desktop is quite intuitive and so on and so on.

Microsoft Needs To Get Its Act Together

Windows 8.0 & 8.1 broke the camel’s back. I am a software developer and always welcoming new technologies, but Windows 8 is too much. I have been using Windows ever since Windows 95 and even before that.

Especially Windows 8.1 comes with very annoying help pop-ups that block parts of the screen and they would not go away no matter what I tried except for disabling the touch screen. I am sorry, but this is aggravating!

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