Monday, February 17, 2014

The Extraordinary Death Toll Of The American Civil War


Just watched the PBS American Experience titled “Death and the Civil War” (a bit long at 1:52 hours). I love watching episodes of American Experience. But I do not like that PBS by default expires it’s great videos on its website.

The Horrific Numbers

To paraphrase Stalin: One man dead is a tragedy, but 1 million dead is a statistic.

During the American Civil War more than an estimated 750,000 soldiers died (among them a large, but unaccounted number of black soldiers) more than in all of the other domestic or foreign wars by the U.S. combined .

An estimated 20% to 30% of white males between the ages of 18 and 40 of Southern States died.

About 2.0 to 3.0% of the population of about a total of 31 million of the US in 1860 died.

They Died For What?

Fact, slavery in 1860 was already doomed in the western world!

To free about 4 million slaves? While about 0.5 million blacks were or every 8th black American was already free by 1860 (source). when you look at the four census carried out between 1810-1840, you will find that the number of free blacks grew by well over 20% per year. Why this fast rate slowed down in 1850 and 1860 is worth researching.

Because the political leadership of the Union and the Confederates were democratically elected and totally inept to end the bloodshed? Oh yeah! President Abraham Lincoln was certainly eloquent, but not very wise! King Solomon would have found a different solution than all out war. Not to mention that the Union was early on clearly the stronger war party.

To crush the right of any state to secede from the Union? You can bet your last penny!

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