Sunday, July 15, 2012

When Liberal Pundits Write Opinion Pieces In The Wall Street Journal

This was the title of a piece written by James Carville and Stanley B. Greenberg published on the Opinion page of the US edition of the Wall Street Journal on 7/13/2012 (subscription required).

Besides that this article was largely laughable, to claim that the middle class needs a lifeline by big government is misguided. In an age of exponential technological revolution and rapidly expanding global economic interdependence to use such outmoded, communist style classifications like middle class is preposterous and cheap populism. A “lifeline” conjures a picture of victimization and paternalism.

Full Of Praise For Bill Clinton

As if Bill Clinton was another Ronald Reagan, these authors were full of praise for someone who had sex with a young subordinate female in his office. No less than three times are the supposed ‘achievements’ of Bill Clinton emphasized. I am actually not surprised that a man like James Carville was a campaign manager for Bill Clinton.

Without Ronald Reagan’s reforms and without the Republican takeover of the US Congress, Bill Clinton would have little to brag about. So do Messrs Carville & Greenberg.

More Big Government Spending & Taxes

Some excerpts from their article:
·         “… The actual solution to our economic situation is straightforward: increased government spending well in excess of what the 2009 Recovery Act contemplated …”
·         “… For the record, … voters want to raise taxes on top earners, senior corporate executives and companies that outsource jobs. …

Are these pundits (Hindi for learned man) or just morons?

Gratitude To The Wall Street Journal

That one of the best news papers in the US, if not worldwide, allows these liberals to make fools of themselves is greatly appreciated and secures my subscription.

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