Friday, July 27, 2012

President Obama Is Sure To Lose Significant Jewish Votes

Obama Vs. Netanyahu

From what I have been reading this seems almost certain that the historically strong ties between Jewish voters and the Democratic Parties will suffer in November. A US President who is unable to communicate with the perhaps most pro-American Jewish Prime Minister since 1948 and who is so obviously as well as needlessly offending this ally must be out of his mind. This bizarre and unbecoming behavior of this President is similar to when he talked down on the Justices of the US Supreme Court during his State of Union address in the US Congress.

Romney In Israel

If Mitt Romney does an excellent job during his visit to Israel and Jerusalem, he will likely be rewarded for that. It is a smart move by Romney to travel to Israel in these times.

It is reported that there are than 600,000 Jews living in Florida alone with a total population of about 19 million.

The GOP And Jews

In an article (subscription required) by Rafael Medoff published on the Opinion page of the US Wall Street Journal on 7/26/12 one reads that the GOP became the first to officially endorse the Israeli state in the 1940s. The father of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reported as being involved in New York City in the 1940s to wean the Jews away from the Democrats towards the GOP.

Just as an aside: Were not the GOP also the first to abolish slavery? But African-Americans vote steadfastly Democratic for decades.

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