Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time For A New Era Of Enlightenment

Past Great Minds

Just a few names:
Friedrich Hayek died 1992.
Ludwig von Mises died 1973.
Alexis de Tocqueville died in 1859.
James Madison died 1836.
Thomas Jefferson died 1826.
Benjamin Franklin and Adam Smith died 1790.

Where are the new great minds?

Recent Lessons Of History Forgotten

Ronald Reagan said it best: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. How true!

World War II or the victory of freedom over totalitarian regimes. Those who witnessed it have either died or are very old by now. However totalitarian regimes are still around.

There are fewer totalitarian regimes than compared with a few decades ago, but Big Government is on the march and ever expanding in many developed countries.

Ominous Omens Of Our Times

We have entered an era of ignorance, arrogance and delusion of government power:
·         European politicians breach major European contracts with impunity, the courts look the other way.
·         US and European politicians and bureaucrats bail out so called too big to fail financial companies instead of allowing bankruptcy to take its course.
·         Major central banks lowered twice in a decade key short term interest rates to recklessly low levels for too long fueling speculation and indebtedness.
·         Irresponsible politicians in the US and Europe have run up government debt to incredible peace time levels.
·         In the 21st century, a US President in collaboration with a democratic majority in the US Congress tries to outdo the horrible New Deal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by, e.g., further nationalizing the health care system of the USA.

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