Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Structure of important male contraceptive target solved, a hormone-free reversible contraceptive becomes possible, but doubts remain

It is a great and profound injustice that women have had much better contraceptives available than men for a long time! 😊 Hopefully, this is finally going to change!

This is a little weird: The research article cited does not seem to be about male contraceptives at all at least not according to the abstract!

I am not convinced that diminishing the contractility of the vas deference is the way to go. It could interfere with the pleasures of sex. I would venture to suggest that making the sperm itself temporarily/reversibly impotent/inactive is a better way.

"A team ... developing a hormone-free, reversible male contraceptive has now figured out the 3D structure of one of their primary therapeutic targets – the P2X1-purinergic receptor (P2X1). ...
In previous research in mice, the team showed that simultaneous inactivation of P2X1 and a second protein, α1A-adrenergic receptor, resulted in male infertility. ..."

"Melbourne-based scientists behind the development of a hormone-free, reversable male contraceptive pill have, for the first time, solved the molecular structure of the discovery program’s primary therapeutic target, significantly increasing the chance of the drug becoming a reality. ..."

From the abstract (however the abstract is mute on male contraceptive):
"The P2X1 receptor is a trimeric ligand-gated ion channel that plays an important role in urogenital and immune functions, offering the potential for new drug treatments. However, progress in this area has been hindered by limited structural information and a lack of well-characterised tool compounds. In this study, we employ cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to elucidate the structures of the P2X1 receptor in an ATP-bound desensitised state and an NF449-bound closed state. NF449, a potent P2X1 receptor antagonist, engages the receptor distinctively, while ATP, the endogenous ligand, binds in a manner consistent with other P2X receptors. To explore the molecular basis of receptor inhibition, activation, and ligand interactions, key residues involved in ligand and metal ion binding were mutated. Radioligand binding assays with [3H]-α,β-methylene ATP and intracellular calcium ion influx assays were used to evaluate the effects of these mutations. These experiments validate key ligand-receptor interactions and identify conserved and non-conserved residues critical for ligand binding or receptor modulation. This research expands our understanding of the P2X1 receptor structure at a molecular level and opens new avenues for in silico drug design targeting the P2X1 receptor."

From the introduction:
"... P2X1 receptor knockouts revealed reduced fertility in male mice, attributed to diminished contractility of the vas deferens, suggesting a P2X1 receptor antagonist could be used as a male contraceptive ..."

Structure of important male contraceptive target solved

Fig. 1: Cryo-EM P2X1 receptor maps and models.

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