Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Winter isn’t coming. Environmental and societal consequences of winter ice loss from lakes. Really!

Again the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) got caught trying to fool the public!

Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion!

Look at the following quote:
  1. Only a single year comparison, but such bad practice is akin to pseudoscience.
  2. Was this year cherry picked? Yes it was!
  3. About 165 years ago, the world was just coming out of the last ice age called the Little Ice Age (about 1600-1850)! Of course, the many Global Warming demagogues falsely try to belittle the Little Ice Age!

"... On average, freshwater lakes spend about a month less iced-over than they did 165 years ago, the researchers found. ..."


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