Friday, October 11, 2024

Transgender male Lutheran pastor declares the Bible 'wasn't written for 2024'. Really!

I was already wondering where are the transgender males hiding! Caution: irony!

Changing one's gender identity does not make one a genius! 😊

I presume a church is a save space for transgender males! Just kidding! In the long history of the Christian churches, a lot of individuals were given asylum!

"Drew Stever, a female minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who identifies as a man, recently generated controversy by suggesting that gender ideology's incompatibility with biblical teaching, particularly about sex, demonstrates a deficit in the Bible. ..."

What a revelation:
"... In October 2016, two months into seminary and one month before the U.S. Presidential election, Drew came out as transgender. This transition propelled Drew into noticing and witnessing and experiencing God's presence in the in-between places of life. ..."

Transvestite Lutheran pastor declares the Bible 'wasn't written for 2024' | Blaze Media

Drew Stever (Source) Does he not have a cute pubescent mustache around her chin?

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