Saturday, October 12, 2024

Having more than one vote in elections thanks to mail in voting in the US

Update: I personally just learnt that an individual in Arizona voted already by absentee vote, but this individual still received a mail-in ballot in the mail after the individual voted.

This is a serious concern!

State voter rolls are notoriously outdated, inaccurate and unreliable! E.g. when voters move across state borders or even within a state, how likely would they receive more than one ballot?

Some state election results are often very tight when a several thousands or ten thousands of votes can make a difference.

How easy is it for someone to obtain two or more ballots when someone is determined to do so?

Will Republican voters be equally inclined to cheat this way as Democratic voters or are there disparities?

Will Republican voters who received two, or more ballots be as honest as Democratic voters and vice versa?

Can foreign, hostile powers exploit the mail in voting to vote for their candidate of choice?


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