Sunday, October 06, 2024

Metasurface-enhanced camera performs hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging or seeing like a butterfly

Amazing stuff! Could be very useful!

"A team of US-based researchers has developed an inexpensive and ultrathin metasurface that, when paired with a neural network, enables a conventional camera to capture detailed hyperspectral and polarization data from a single snapshot. The innovation could pave the way for significant advances in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, remote sensing and even consumer electronics. ...

“The metasurface consists of many such superpixels; the patterns generated by these superpixels are then captured by a conventional camera sensor,” he adds. “Essentially, the metasurface translates information that is normally invisible to the camera into a format it can detect. Each superpixel corresponds to one pixel in the final image, allowing us to obtain not only intensity information but also the spectrum and polarization data for each pixel.” ...

traditional hyperspectral and polarimetric cameras, which often are bulky and expensive to produce, capture either spectral or polarization data, but not both simultaneously. Such systems are also limited in resolution, not easily integrated into compact devices, and typically require complex alignment and calibration. ..."

"... Butterflies can see more of the world than humans, including more colors and the field oscillation direction, or polarization, of light. This special ability enables them to navigate with precision, forage for food and communicate with one another. ...

A machine learning framework, also developed by the team, then decodes this multi-dimensional visual information in real-time on a standard laptop. ...

“We could bring our camera along to the grocery store, take snapshots and assess the freshness of the fruit and vegetables on the shelves before buying,” ...

used to differentiate the material and structural properties of tissues within the body, potentially aiding in the diagnosis of cancerous cells.  ..."

From the abstract:
"Light fields carry a wealth of information, including intensity, spectrum, and polarization. However, standard cameras capture only the intensity, disregarding other valuable information. While hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging systems capture spectral and polarization information, respectively, in addition to intensity, they are often bulky, slow, and costly. Here, we have developed an encoding metasurface paired with a neural network enabling a normal camera to acquire hyperspectro-polarimetric images from a single snapshot. Our experimental results demonstrate that this metasurface-enhanced camera can accurately resolve full-Stokes polarization across a broad spectral range (700 to 1150 nanometer) from a single snapshot, achieving a spectral sensitivity as high as 0.23 nanometer. In addition, our system captures full-Stokes hyperspectro-polarimetric video in real time at a rate of 28 frames per second, primarily limited by the camera’s readout rate. Our encoding metasurface offers a compact, fast, and cost-effective solution for multidimensional imaging that effectively uses information within light fields."

Metasurface-enhanced camera performs hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging – Physics World

Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of the proposed HSP camera.

Fig. 2. Design and characterization of the encoding metasurfaces.

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