Monday, October 07, 2024

39% of American Muslims Deny cowardly massacre committed by Hamas on October 7, Poll Finds

If confirmed, then this is disturbing and shocking, but not surprising! 

The Jew hatred among many Arabs is pervasive! It will probably take several more generations before normal relations between Arabs and Jews can be expected.

Hopefully, the cowardly mass killers and monsters of Hamas have not entirely destroyed the positive prospects of the Abraham Accords! With a reelected President Trump, there is hope and reason to believe the path of lasting rapprochement and reconciliation between Arab countries and Israel will continue to the benefit of all people living in the region.

There have been many reports about the heavy Islamist indoctrination that is going on in Arab countries.

Plus, how many citizens of Gaza were and still are accomplices or at least sympathizers of the cowardly mass killers of Hamas? I am afraid way too many!

"... More than a third (39%) denied the Hamas murders and rapes, while only 31% admitted them. Another 30% said they “don’t know,” in the poll, provided first to The Daily Signal. ...

When asked why Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 59% of Muslims selected, “because Hamas wanted to forward the Palestinian cause,” while only 14% explained the terrorism by saying that “Hamas wanted to kill Jews and is set on the destruction of Israel.” By contrast, most Americans (51%) explained Oct. 7 by noting that Hamas wanted to kill Jews and destroy Israel, and only 17% said Hamas aimed at forwarding the Palestinian cause.

Two-in-three college graduate Muslims (67%) said Hamas attacked in order to further the Palestinian cause. Black Muslims (39%) proved the least likely to give that explanation. ..."

39% of American Muslims Deny Crimes of Hamas, Poll Finds

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