Saturday, June 08, 2024

World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September

Good news! I wish I could e.g. regrow one of my fairly recently extracted wisdom tooth, because the wound never healed properly and this causes constant issues.

What it will take until 2030 to become commercially available for humans!!!! Why not next century or after my bones have turned into dust? Caution: irony.

"The world's first human trial of a drug that can regenerate teeth will begin in a few months, less than a year on from news of its success in animals. This paves the way for the medicine to be commercially available as early as 2030. ...
The trial, which will take place at Kyoto University Hospital from September to August 2025, will treat 30 males aged 30-64 who are missing at least one molar. The intravenous treatment will be tested for its efficacy on human dentition, after it successfully grew new teeth in ferret and mouse models with no significant side effects. ...
The medicine itself deactivates the uterine sensitization-associated gene-1 (USAG-1) protein, which suppresses tooth growth. As we reported in 2023, blocking USAG-1's interaction with other proteins encourages bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, which triggers new bone to generate. ...
"The USAG-1 protein has a high amino acid homology of 97% between different animal species, including humans ..."

World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September

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