Saturday, June 29, 2024

Shapeshifting organism uses curved crease origami to extend to 30 times its body length

Amazing stuff!

"For the first time, two researchers ... have observed the intricate folding and unfolding of “cellular origami”. Through detailed observations ... discovered helical pleats in the membrane of a single-celled protist, which enable the organism to reversibly extend to over 30 times its own body length. ... the mechanism could inspire a new generation of advanced micro-robots. ..."

From the editor's summary and abstract:
"Editor’s summary
Morphological changes in cellular shape have been studied in the context of cell division, movement through confined spaces, or functionality such as the beating of a heart or digestion within the gut. ... explored the mechanisms that allow for the rapid hyperextension seen in the predatory ciliate Lacrymaria olor, which can extend a neck-like feeding apparatus up to 1.2 millimeters in less than 30 seconds ... Using a combination of live imaging, confocal, and transmission electron microscopy, the authors identified a curved crease origami structure in the subcellular components that enables the rapid shape changes. ...
Structured Abstract
Single-celled protists display a remarkable diversity of forms and accomplish a wide range of functions, including hunting live prey in dynamic environments. Lacrymaria olor, a predatory ciliate, hunts its prey by launching a necklike proboscis that can reversibly extend more than 30 times its original body length in <30 s and perform this task repeatably (more than 20,000 times in its life cycle). Such large-scale morphodynamics—an ability to shapeshift in real time—can be quantified by the large strain and strain rate seen in a single cell. Fundamental limits of morphodynamics and how geometry encodes behavior in single cells remain largely unknown.
Protists display remarkable strategies to thrive in almost all ecological niches in our planet, from the deep sea to our river streams. Although the relationship between form and function is the bedrock of biological studies, we still have a poor understanding when it comes to explaining the explosive morphological diversity of protists. By applying a lens of geometry, we explored the link between form and function in an iconic, shapeshifting protist, L. olor, which is known to capture prey through the dynamics of an ultralong necklike proboscis. With the advent of various cutting-edge imaging tools, we mapped subcellular components such as the cortical cytoskeleton and membrane architecture of this cell caught in various morphological states, including a contracted and an extended state. Because geometry is scale free, the essential features of the coupled cytoskeletal-membrane architecture can be captured in a scaled-up physical origami model. In this work, we demonstrate how topological singularities in this geometry can control physical transformation of a cell. The deployment of a necklike protrusion through cellular scale origami is one of the largest strain and extension rates observed in a single cell.
We compared largest known strain and strain rates in single-cell morphodynamics and identified L. olor as an outlier. With high-resolution imaging, we discovered that this linear extension is supported by a helical architecture of the cortical cytoskeleton composed of microtubule bands layered in multiple layers forming membrane pleats. This particular geometry stores both membrane and microtubule filaments necessary for rapid deployment of a long proboscis, forming a curved crease origami. The sharp transition between the folded and unfolded state in this curved crease cellular origami is controlled by the presence of two topological singularities: a “d-cone” (developable cone) and a “twist singularity” of the microtubule band. We also built a scaled-up model of this origami to reveal how the coupled dynamics of d-cone and twist traversal leads to the nonaffine nature (spooling) of this deployable origami. Our work reveals how topological singularities can be used by a cell to control deployment of subcellular components and unravels the embodied nature of control of behavior through geometry in this ciliate.
As recent studies continue to highlight important ecological roles of protists, it has become critical to understand the origins of complex behavior in these remarkable single cells. Much effort has been put on mapping the genetic diversity of these cells, but we still know very little about the morphological (geometrical) diversity and its function in protists at large. By mapping the subcellular geometry of the cytoskeleton of L. olor, we uncovered geometrical control of extreme morphing behavior in a single cell. As a living example of a microtubule-patterned curved crease origami, our deeper understanding of this structure opens new doors for synthesis of cytoskeleton-based bioengineered materials with transformable characteristics such as deployability. Our work also provides direct inspiration for deployable microrobotics and light-weight space architecture. The blueprints we have been looking for to bring agency and embedded control in microrobotics might be hidden in plain sight in the geometrical diversity of protists."

Shapeshifting organism uses ‘cellular origami’ to extend to 30 times its body length – Physics World

The first example of cellular origami (original news release) Combining a deep curiosity and “recreational biology,” Stanford researchers have discovered how a simple cell produces remarkably complex behavior, all without a nervous system. It’s origami, they say.

Long-distance predator The remarkable protist Lacrymaria olor with its “neck” extended and retracted.

Fig. 1 Hyper extensible single cells with large strain and strain rates.

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