Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Breakthrough sub-femtonewton force sensing in microscopy

Amazing stuff!

"The super-resolved photonic force microscope (SRPFM) precisely measures how nanoparticles are displaced by tiny forces.

It can detect forces as small as 108.2 attonewtons (the prefix “atto” means one million million millionth) in water – a scale so minute that it compares to measuring the weight of a virus.

Fan Wang from Beihang University in China, who led the research, says the key to this ultra-sensitive measurement is in the use of lanthanide-doped nanoparticles, trapped by optical tweezers, which are then used to probe the minute forces at play within biological systems. ..."

From the abstract:
"Precise force measurement is critical to probe biological events and physics processes, spanning from molecular motor’s motion to the Casimir effect, as well as the detection of gravitational waves. Yet, despite extensive technological developments, the three-dimensional nanoscale measurement of weak forces in aqueous solutions still faces major challenges. Techniques that rely on optically trapped nanoprobes are of significant potential but are beset with limitations, including probe heating induced by high trapping power, undetectable scattering signals and localization errors. Here we report the measurement of the long-distance interaction force in aqueous solutions with a minimum detected force value of 108.2 ± 510.0 attonewton. To achieve this, we develop a super-resolved photonic force microscope based on optically trapped lanthanide-doped nanoparticles coupled with nanoscale three-dimensional tracking-based force sensing. The tracking method leverages neural-network-empowered super-resolution localization, where the position of the force probe is extracted from the optical-astigmatism-modified point spread function. We achieve a force sensitivity down to 1.8 fN Hz–1/2, which approaches the nanoscale thermal limit. We experimentally measure electrophoresis forces acting on single nanoparticles as well as the surface-induced interaction force on a single nanoparticle. This work opens the avenue of nanoscale thermally limited force sensing and offers new opportunities for detecting sub-femtonewton forces over long distances and biomechanical forces at the single-molecule level."

New way to measure nanoscale forces in the microscopic world Researchers have developed a new technique to measure nanoscale forces in a fluid medium, which they say could revolutionise our understanding of a host of biological and physical phenomena.  

Breakthrough in nanoscale force measurement opens doors to unprecedented biological insights Groundbreaking research has revealed a new way to measure incredibly minute forces at the nanoscale in watery solutions, pushing the boundaries of what scientists know about the microscopic world.

Super-resolved photonic force microscopy for detecting ultra-weak interaction forces between nanoparticles and surfaces. Credit: Lei Ding (one of the authors)

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