Sunday, June 02, 2024

Mozambique Pioneers Cyclone Warning Network to Protect Millions

Good news! Progress in Africa!

"... Now, when a storm is approaching, Beira’s new weather radar — a tower topped with a red-and-white sphere that looks like a giant football — detects it, and transmits the data to Mozambique’s meteorological agency, INAM. INAM notifies the country’s National Institute for Disaster Management. The institute in turn sends alerts to an intricate network of local stakeholders. ...
Since [deadly cyclone of 2019] Idai, the city has encouraged residents to move away from the most vulnerable areas. Sea barriers have gone up, trees have been planted to help absorb water and drains are cleared out more often. ...
Mozambique — where frequent storms batter the long coastline with growing intensity — is working fast to try to close that gap. In addition to Beira’s new weather radar, which can detect storms as far as 400 kilometers (about 250 miles) away, there are plans for two more [weather radar stations], one in the north and one in the south of the country. These will also help neighboring countries prepare for storms. ..."

Southern Africa City Pioneers Early Cyclone Alerts as Storms Intensify

Beira’s new weather radar detects cyclones and transmits the data to Mozambique’s meteorological agency.

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