Saturday, March 23, 2024

Demagoguery in one chart

Is this not a very convenient chart! It claims the U.S. and Israel come out the worst! Would you be surprised to learn that the same two authors also created the index on the Y axis of this chart! The two authors do not even bother to provide a detailed description of their index or any reference to such a source.

This blatant propaganda and demagoguery was published by Nature journal!

"As environmental, social and humanitarian crises escalate, the world can no longer afford two things: first, the costs of economic inequality; and second, the rich. ...
we found a strong correlation between levels of equality and a score on an index we created of performance in five environmental areas: air pollution; recycling of waste materials; the carbon emissions of the rich; progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; and international cooperation (UN treaties ratified and avoidance of unilateral coercive measures). ..."

Why the world cannot afford the rich Equality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely to protect the environment than are those in unequal, consumer-driven ones.

The same authors also published

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