Thursday, September 07, 2023

ESA - Camera ‘hack’ lets Solar Orbiter peer deeper into Sun’s atmosphere

We still know so little about the sun! It is actually shocking!

What if the sun is the most important factor influencing climate on earth and not the life essential trace gas CO2? This is not a hypothetical!

"... Even before those new instruments, there is a lot of new science to come from EUI. The occulter mode makes it possible for scientists to see deeper into the Sun’s atmosphere. This is the region that lies beyond the field of view of classical EUV imagers but it is usually obscured by traditional coronagraphs. Now, however, EUI’s occulter can image this little-explored region easily. ..."

ESA - Camera ‘hack’ lets Solar Orbiter peer deeper into Sun’s atmosphere Scientists have used Solar Orbiter’s EUI camera in a new mode of operation to record part of the Sun’s atmosphere at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths that has been almost impossible to image until now. This new mode of operation was made possible with a last-minute ‘hack’ to the camera and will almost certainly influence new solar instruments for future missions.

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